when I access the "authorization" tab on the software
Which TAB in which software?
tried to access the activation form from the software while using the Ableton live
Which Activation form? Which software?
What does Ableton Live has to do with this?
Please post a screenshot of what you do where, when you get the error message about your password or e-mail is incorrect.
When you log on Arturia Software Center (ASC), then do you see a button named "Activate"? Is that button you click and get the message your e-mail or password are incorrect?
If you use Arturia Software Center, then you allready should be logged in.
When you are in ASC, do you see the software you have installed?
What's the basic steps you allready have done? I can't tell from what you write.
Have you contacted Arturia again, given them the informations and screenshot i ask you about.
EDIT: Is you Analog Lab part of a hardware package where you have registrated your hardware to your Arturia account, and do you use the same account for your Analog Lab software? EDIT END