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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: In your DAW—can you crossfade between layers or VST's using the modwheel??  (Read 1095 times)

Zed Lepplin

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Anyone ever done this?

To put it simply, I've seen videos of people who have a multi-layered logic/mainstage instrument set up. They will have something like a pad+piano+lead synth all track-stacked together, but their modwheel determines which layer is being triggered.

For example, if the modwheel left at 0% only the pads are triggered when keyboard is played.
if the modwheel is moved up to anywhere between 10%-75% - the piano+pads are triggered when keys are played
From 75%-100% the lead synth is triggered.

Does anyone know how to accomplish this in their DAW (logic, preferrably)?


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