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Author Topic: Lag linear mode strange  (Read 4718 times)


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Lag linear mode strange
« on: December 02, 2022, 05:32:59 pm »
Lag in linear mode is very strange.

Steps to reproduce:

- new patch (only vco1 saw)
- voices tab: deactivate all voices except first two
- bottom area page2 tab: vco1 deactivate keyboard active lag

- play two notes (for instance the fifth C & G) repeatedly
- change lag rate between 0–15
-> tuning/pitch changes randomly on a per note basis. meaning: sometimes the intervall is wider sometimes it's narrower since both notes are moving their pitch independantly up or down

other values:
- change to mono now: in voices tab change mode for zone 1 to uni-last
- play two notes after another, portamento should happen
- for lag rates between 16–52 portamento very fast
- rate 53 all of a sudden is extremely slow. where 52 was milliseconds for an octave 53 takes now like 4 seconds and longer for rates bigger than 53

note that this is all with =time off.
so given that =time only works with linear mode on and linear mode without =time does produce very off and irregular values for pitch and portamento, there are only two working settings for both options: =time and linear both on and =time and linear both off.

I can't find anything about this in the manual, is it some reconstruction of the original matrix-12 behaviour in these cases?
It somehow seems like the upper end (53-63) is extending the range where linear off mode ended, so linear on 53 is just a little bit slower portamento than linear off 63 (max). Is this intentional?
Is the tuning/pitch thing also intentional or a bug due to too small rates and portamento gets confused aka. doesn't reach it's destination in all cases because of some rounding stuff going on or so.

Thanks & cheers


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Re: Lag linear mode strange
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2022, 08:51:41 pm »

Unfortunately there is differences between the original hardware and Matrix 12 V manual. I found this manual a long time ago on the web.
It look like LEGATO in Matrix 12 V work like described in the Original manual, but not like described in Matrix 12 Vs manual.
In Matrix 12 Vs manual the LEGATO is described to switch legato mode between glissando (stepped) and Glide behavior. This is'nt the case.
I think it work correct in Matrix 12 V, and the Matrix 12 V manual is incorrect.
The switch between Glissando and Glide behavior is done with the KEYBOARD selector in the VCO's in the PAGE 2 section of Matrix 12 V.

Then to the issues:
As example in the following: When KEYBD is set as LAG input and LAG is selected to create pitch Glissando or Glide/ Legato (Portamento) in the Page 2 VCO sections.

According to the original hardware manual,
1. then a Lag Rate of 63 should in LINEAR mode give a portamento time about 30 seconds per octave.

2. In Exponential mode (LINEAR deselected), then a Lag Rate of 63 should give a portamento time about 55 seconds per octave.
There is clearly something wrong with the time in this mode in Matrix 12 V. It's far from 55 seconds.

3. A Lag Rate of 63 should with LINEAR and TIME selected provide a Portamento time about 55 seconds no matter the interval between the start and the end note.
Also here the Matrix 12 V has a to short time.

4. Exponential mode (LINEAR deselected) can not be used together with TIME. So the TIME button should actually not be visible unless LINEAR is active.

You are correct that the Lag Rate difference between values especially 52-53 is too high when LINEAR is active and TIME is not. This must also be a bug.

You can contact Arturia support directly through your account and report issues.


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