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Author Topic: PolyBrute Connect VST and Cubase 11 – stuck notes  (Read 2724 times)


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PolyBrute Connect VST and Cubase 11 – stuck notes
« on: February 01, 2022, 03:06:00 am »

I’ve gotten PBC VST (mostly) working with Cubase 11. It works but I am getting stuck notes occasionally. 

Also – when starting a project with PBC VST – Cubase completely freezes for about 30 seconds while the disk drive flashes.  I am guessing PBC VST is loading but is locking things up while doing so. After PBC VST loads, Cubase starts working again.

I’ve also tried switching the PBC VST to accept midi input from the PB via the DIN connections – same issue.

Can anyone else confirm these issues?

I am on win10 20H2 (1 year out of date) and Cubase 11 0.41 (latest). I could update Win 10 to 21H2 - but from what I am reading on the forum that may make things worse.



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Re: PolyBrute Connect VST and Cubase 11 – stuck notes
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2022, 06:24:44 am »
From a programmers point of view, it seems to me that the VST's should have a global constructor so that not every instance of plugin have to load what I believe is the set of names inside PB. Second instance would go quicker. But first instance still would need to do this, unless cached locally from last use or something.

From what I remember using PBC it's that time is take to load that data, you are experiencing causing a delay. Time until color goes orange for presets in PBC as connected.

Are you dependent on these VST's, or did you try to make an instrument definition in Cubase?

Disadvantage is that you need dedicated audio inputs from that instrument, at least in Cubase Pro 9.5 I used 3-4 years ago. I manage to fix that having RME soundcards, which could duplicate one input to always be able to use it through a patch bay with different synths anyway.

Advantage is that you just press Freeze to render audio into Cubase just like with a VST instrument.

But overall left that approach to keep it simple.
I don't use any of that VST stuff for external midi gear, just regular midi in/out.
Not many hardware manufacturers provide VST's anyway.
But I do 99% live recordings, and no programming, so might not be doable for everybody.

Just trying to give a different approach to it....


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Re: PolyBrute Connect VST and Cubase 11 – stuck notes
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2022, 05:24:47 pm »
From a programmers point of view, it seems to me that the VST's should have a global constructor so that not every instance of plugin have to load what I believe is the set of names inside PB. Second instance would go quicker. But first instance still would need to do this, unless cached locally from last use or something.

Agreed - also not sure why the PBC VST keeps "fetching" data every time you re-activate each instance.

From what I remember using PBC it's that time is take to load that data, you are experiencing causing a delay. Time until color goes orange for presets in PBC as connected.

Yeah - that's what I figured - I just wish it loaded in background and didn't freeze the Cubase GUI while it was loading.

Are you dependent on these VST's, or did you try to make an instrument definition in Cubase?

Not dependent - I use mostly hardware gear through an RME and have my main 3 boards as defined instruments in Cubase, all other are a generic instrument that I just need to press one button on my Mackie board to send them to my RME.

I play and record mostly live but like to also record the midi so if you have a great take with a small flub - you can go back and tweak.

I just got my PB 2 weeks ago and love it.  I am intrigued with PBC VST as when it works it is really cool in how it stores your current sound and automates parameters.  I have done this also with the PB and CC controls and it works fine, just not as visual or intuitive.

It seems like Arturia still has some work to do on this and I am going to try to help by diagnosing and reporting the issues I find!


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Re: PolyBrute Connect VST and Cubase 11 – stuck notes
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2022, 05:35:39 pm »
I'm able to reproduce the stuck note issue.  It apparently has nothing to do with Cubase or PBC VST. 

The issue occurs when the PB is in LOCAL off mode, you have the Octave selector set to something other than "0", and you send the midi notes back to the PB (as you would while using a DAW)

To reproduce:

- Select a patch with a long release to hear this better
- Set PB to Local Off
- Set Octave switch to "-1"
- Loop the midi notes back to the PB

After you play a while many of the midi notes will be stuck on. This happens with both the DIN and USB midi connections.

I'll open a case with Arturia.


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Re: PolyBrute Connect VST and Cubase 11 – stuck notes
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2022, 06:14:34 pm »
You are right, I can confirm this.

I made a loopback with din midi out to in, and as you said.
I tried turning on only din midi, but still same.

I also turned on local on, and the same.

All todo with keyboard and midi at the same time.
Normally I just have monitor sound, and do not echo midi through while recording midi so never discovered this.
Had no issues just sending midi to PB.

So might be a workaround for now, just record midi and not through daw.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2022, 06:17:39 pm by larioso »


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Re: PolyBrute Connect VST and Cubase 11 – stuck notes
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2022, 12:20:16 am »
I spoke with Arturia support and they were able to replicate the issue and stated that it will be fixed in a future update.



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