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Author Topic: Modulation button inactive when in settings or touching ribon  (Read 1072 times)


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Modulation button inactive when in settings or touching ribon
« on: January 26, 2022, 10:10:23 pm »
Is it normal that the modulation button is inactive when any setting menu is displayed ? it makes it hardly usable when changing modulation while playing with settings, if i am touching the ribbon, the modulation knob is inactive too ! Frustrating...looks like a bug to me


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Re: Modulation button inactive when in settings or touching ribon
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2022, 12:28:08 am »
It's not a bug, but a design choice. The Amount knob is used some places in Settings, e.g. for the MIDI channels. So for consistency it does not adjust mod slot amounts when the Setting menu is active since it's also used there. Likewise, when the Ribbon or Morphee page is shown, that takes precedence over the mod amount display, and so the amount can't be changed "blindly".

I agree that in the latter scenario. the mod Amount display could override the Ribbon and Morphee pages, but it would cause a bit of display 'chaos'. If you want this changed, you can submit a support ticket with it as a feature/change suggestion.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2022, 12:40:15 am by DrJustice »


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Re: Modulation button inactive when in settings or touching ribon
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2022, 12:47:03 am »
Thanks for your reply, i understand this behavior if i'm in a menu where mod knob as a utility but it happens in every menu possible where it has none.
 for the ribon and the morphee i really dont get it...imagine if you couldnt your cutoff knob and env knob at the same time ? in fw2.0 they are both displayed alternatively and its ok. the different behavior for ribbon and mod knob is really for no reason to me...
i'll post in the requests
Thanks again.


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Re: Modulation button inactive when in settings or touching ribon
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2022, 09:31:13 am »
...imagine if you couldnt your cutoff knob and env knob at the same time ?
That would be bad, indeed. However, those are dedicated single function knobs, whereas the Amount knob is not. It is a context sensitive knob used for mod matrix editing, MID channel setting and sequencer editing. Even so I agree that it could be handy if it worked when the Ribbon and Morphee pages are shown, since you may want to adjust a mod amount while auditioning a certain Ribbon and Morphee positions. I'll submit that suggestion too (the more request for a ceratain feature, the greater the chance of seeing it).


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Re: Modulation button inactive when in settings or touching ribon
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2022, 05:06:55 pm »
Thank you very much, i was talking about cut off and env knob because they are both displayed as they are moved and the chaos that occure on the screen is totally worth in comparison with the ability to move those...I think sound should always have priority so the same design should be assigned to mod knob independently of the modulation its moving.
Anyway i think you got my point  ;)
Again, thank you very much for your time !


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