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Author Topic: Since there isn't an SQ-80 V forum, yet...  (Read 2900 times)


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Since there isn't an SQ-80 V forum, yet...
« on: September 15, 2021, 11:04:23 pm »
I wonder if SQ-80 V makes any use of Siegfried Kullmann's SQ-8L code? Is SQ-80 V the final embodiment of SQ-8L? Or is it a completely new product from zero?

PS--The new SonicState video interview with M. Eduouard Madeuf explains that the latter is the case. Herr Kullmann still retains his source code, so it seems. More power to him, Bigboote.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2021, 05:07:20 pm by gridsleep »


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Re: Since there isn't an SQ-80 V forum, yet...
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2021, 10:28:31 pm »
I bought the sq-80 and have it registered, but I am getting NO SOUND.  The midi connection is correct, but even though keys are being pressed, there is no sound.  The demo worked fine, but I can't get sound from the bought version.  Any ideas?  Thanks.  All the other Arturia instruments work.


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Re: Since there isn't an SQ-80 V forum, yet...
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2022, 03:36:19 am »
I wonder if SQ-80 V makes any use of Siegfried Kullmann's SQ-8L code? Is SQ-80 V the final embodiment of SQ-8L? Or is it a completely new product from zero?

PS--The new SonicState video interview with M. Eduouard Madeuf explains that the latter is the case. Herr Kullmann still retains his source code, so it seems. More power to him, Bigboote.

Rainer Buchty said , while offereing the SQ 8L That Herr Kullman had no plans to develop it furhter and both he and Herr Buchty would like to see the SQ-80 developed further. Herr Buchty who is, as we would say in the US, MISTER SQ-800, said that the machine had a 4th audio oscillator that was not used. I have not yet depolyed mine Does this one have all the functions? I am thinking of Split, layer, split/layer The Arturia model has vany more saves in the table than the original hardware unit PLUS it also has Transwave files, which are the heart of the VFX. Now, if they could add user samples, the whole would also include the EPS 16. The SQ-80 V also has 3 kinds of EG, one of which appears to be user-designed like the GEM Ensemble. I played the SQ-80 and I described it at Rick's Music, Swansea MA, USA as "The Minimoog of the '90's" That platform still has a lot to offer


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