Yes, still happens in latest update... not at import, but as soon as you rename the imported bank, the presets are double again... 
What can happen at import is one thing. This is another.
I've also had issues afterwards with the database. Perhaps the update have corrupted the database. I hope Arturia will have a look at this, as it seems like the something is damaged too easyli.
Have you tried to remove the db.db3 file in the preset folder and then start an application to let the database rebuild?
You think that deleting the database will help? Will it destroy all the patches I've done already?
I think it very well will work. That's my guess it will. Otherwise it's a more serious issue, that you'll have to report to Arturia support. But unless they know of an issue, then they probably also will ask you to try to delete the database file quite fast, unless they have found another solution.
You will not delete your presets, if you only delete the database file. The database file does'nt contain the actual presets. When you open an application, then a new database file will/ should be build.
But - anything can allways go wrong, even if it should'nt. So it's allways a good idea to make at least one backup - especially of your own personal files and creations no matter what it is. It's also a way to feel more secure, when you do things, that you have'nt tried before. So i suggest you make a backup to secure your work - and does it everytime you have stuff, that you don't want to risk to loose.