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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Speaker pop, hight pitch noise and distorted audio when switching sample rate  (Read 1626 times)


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Hey there, i have and old version audiofuse and every time a open an audio application that is set to a different sample rate the interface makes a huge pop on my speakers e and starts to playback audio with a lot a distortion e a super annoying  hight pitch noise. I'm on macOS mojave and it seems like everytime i open an audio file that is on a different sample rate from the current one on my system it happens. It's specially annoying since i work a lot with video AND music, and many of my clients send me sessions both in 44kHz and 48kHz, so sometimes i'm working on something and i just want to checkout a file a client just sent me and THAT JUST FUCKS UP ALL MY AUDIO. So i have to close everything and reboot the interface. Any one have a solution for this? I kind of just gave up coz the support just told me to restore factory default  what helped at all. It's no possible that an expensive piece o gear like that cannot work properly in a simple day to day use.


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I am investigating a similar problem with distorted an crackling output in Steinberg Spectralayers and Blackmagic daVinci Resolve, only in these apps so far. I rather suspect somethig wrong with the way they initialize the asio driver. When powering down and up the problem goes away. Even after closing the apps the problems often remains and requires power-cycling the Adiofuse2. I am not sure that different sample rate default settings trigger this but will investigate.

Regards, Gernot


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