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Author Topic: One set of Control knobs per Track  (Read 4672 times)

scab righteous

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One set of Control knobs per Track
« on: May 09, 2021, 11:51:42 pm »
Control mode allows you to send midi data to control an external synth, but you have four tracks!

It would be great if Control mode, just allowed the five knobs to transmit set CC's on the midi channel of each selected track. So each track has either regular (knobs control pitch, gate, etc.), or control = knobs send set midi CC's to the device receiving on that channel.

Instead of Control being a fifth track, it becomes a mode for the other four tracks, to change the knob function.
You can't record anything in the Control track anyway (can you?) so there shouldn't be any conflict.

scab righteous

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Re: One set of Control knobs per Track
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2021, 04:17:08 am »
I now realize that I don't understand control mode as well as I had thought.
It does have a track that data gets recorded into, and I 'think' it only related to the midi channels set in the global settings for the knobs, but also there does seem to be some connection to the other tracks, and their midi channels I have not figured out yet.


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Re: One set of Control knobs per Track
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2021, 12:59:01 pm »
What I understood is that every track has a control ghost track. But only the track that is active sends the cc messages.
So 4 tracks with note data, they all have a control track, but the one that is active and in control mode sends the cc messages.

scab righteous

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Re: One set of Control knobs per Track
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2021, 06:45:08 pm »
What I understood is that every track has a control ghost track. But only the track that is active sends the cc messages.
So 4 tracks with note data, they all have a control track, but the one that is active and in control mode sends the cc messages.

If this is true, then this feature is way more confusing than it needs to be. Wouldn't you want control data to output on all track which have it, so your arps and sequences would have all that dynamic stuff going on?


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Re: One set of Control knobs per Track
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2021, 10:56:07 am »
I'd like both options. 1 (or more) banks of midi CC assign per track, per project, as well as the control track able to select a combination as it does.
Switchable between current controls and CCs (somehow - that part looks tricky to implement without being able to add a button, but maybe a saved setting would work)
It makes sense to me that I'd want to be able to control a synth as I'm sequencing that track.  What would be even more powerful and amazing is if each tracks CC assignment could be sent to different MIDI channels. For example, I want to control the usual filter and envelope type things, but reserve one of the knobs to a delay parameter on another device to dial in as well.


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Re: One set of Control knobs per Track
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2021, 12:45:11 pm »
I'd also love the have control tracks "per sequencer track"

I bought this to be able to have more fun jamming on my synthesisers in a more sequencer style, more similar to the music I like to listen to and want to make.
Rather than just playing them like a piano player or rockband keyboard player.

eg. rock some 303 style sequences on my virus (and now AFX station)
play with loops, get interesting sequences happening, layer them and record them to audio

deciding on 5 CC's to automate on a synth is something manageable
an unlimited amount would be amazing, or some kind of midi learn feature would be great...
but having to predefine 5 cc's per part/synth layer would be something I could certainly work with.

You could do volume, filter cutoff, filter decay or soft knobs (macro knobs) that are relevant for the patch you're working with.

having 5 CC's for your entire setup!
Well... that definitely takes more planning and sucks some of the fun and spontaneity out of it.

you basically get filter cutoff per track, and 1 extra controller lane for spare.
I find myself struggling to commit to what knobs are worthy of automating, and therefore I find myself not really using it.

Please consider adding this feature!
I think it would really elevate this product!


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Re: One set of Control knobs per Track
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2021, 03:43:15 pm »
I'd also love the have control tracks "per sequencer track"

Yes me2. Or maybe when Control mode is activated you could Shift+"the pushable pot-meter" or some other "free" button function that would allow selection of CC banks.

The keystep37 has this with Shift+Chord button so you have 4x4 CC's values.


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Re: One set of Control knobs per Track
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2021, 04:55:38 am »
I'd also love the have control tracks "per sequencer track"

Yes me2. Or maybe when Control mode is activated you could Shift+"the pushable pot-meter" or some other "free" button function that would allow selection of CC banks.

The keystep37 has this with Shift+Chord button so you have 4x4 CC's values.

Yeah sick


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Re: One set of Control knobs per Track
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2021, 08:57:46 pm »
The manual is not clear on this. I just re-read the entire section on Control Mode.
It sure sounds like every track (and every pattern in every track) can indeed have its own set of control knobs and CC data.
On top of that, one track can be put into a "Live Mode" Control Track.
Nowhere in the manual can I find any indication that only one track at a time can play recorded CC data.

If this is indeed the case (that the KSP can't do those things) the manual is VERY misleading and the design team really FSKED UP!
I honestly haven't explored Control Mode a helluva lot. I am now curious and want to dig into it. My brain OTOH has zero creative potential right now, so it'll hafta wait.
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Re: One set of Control knobs per Track
« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2021, 03:36:28 pm »
"8.2. Control Mode as DAW Automation
Without a doubt, Control mode is one of the most exciting features of the KeyStep Pro. If you've already used a DAW such as Ableton, Cubase, Logic or Reaper you are familiar with automation lanes. In the KeyStep Pro, a track in Control mode is the equivalent of a DAW automation lane."

I see how this can be confusing if that is what you mean.
DAW's (at least the ones I know of) usually have control lanes for every track you add.
They KSP does not. Only 1 control track and 4 independent sequencer tracks. Unfortunately.

"one of the most exciting features"  - No, it is annoyingly limited and not that intuitive IMO.


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Re: One set of Control knobs per Track
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2021, 08:41:24 am »
I am very surprised by the fact that only 5 adjustment values are available to control the drum machine and "up to 16 midi synthesizers".
I'm really looking forward to updating the PRO version!


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Re: One set of Control knobs per Track
« Reply #11 on: September 22, 2021, 08:48:43 am »
I would like thumbs up this request :)

Control mode allows you to send midi data to control an external synth, but you have four tracks!

It would be great if Control mode, just allowed the five knobs to transmit set CC's on the midi channel of each selected track. So each track has either regular (knobs control pitch, gate, etc.), or control = knobs send set midi CC's to the device receiving on that channel.

Instead of Control being a fifth track, it becomes a mode for the other four tracks, to change the knob function.
You can't record anything in the Control track anyway (can you?) so there shouldn't be any conflict.


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Re: One set of Control knobs per Track
« Reply #12 on: November 06, 2021, 04:50:23 am »
I would like to see this feature implemented like stated in the manual! That’s a shame that there is not a control track per track… The Novation SL mk3 has 8 tracks with 16 CCs per track, 8 simultaneous automation lane per track!
Keystep pro has 5 CCs for the 4 tracks!
And the SL can also record the pitch bend, mod wheel and aftertouch as part of the 8 automation lanes…
I wonder what is pro on the Keystep Pro…
And please Arturia don’t tell me that it is a memory limitation…. Even my pro instrument in my pocket (i.e. my iPhone) with my pro app (i.e. garage band) can record hours of midi notes and CCs. And it costs less than the Keystep Pro…


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Re: One set of Control knobs per Track
« Reply #13 on: November 18, 2021, 03:32:15 pm »
Please add! I was just playing around with the Control Track with my hardware synths this weekend and came away thinking that if there was at least 6 knobs, then I could map res and cutoff to my three synths... But what if you could just use all five for each sequencer track!


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Re: One set of Control knobs per Track
« Reply #14 on: November 26, 2021, 10:21:05 pm »
Yes, please. 5 parameters for a 4 track setup is just very, very limited.

Either have a knob-CC-config per track or at least allow more than one bank of knob-configs and cycle through them with an hitherto unused button combination. The number of banks would not even have to be fixed. just let the user add them (via utility menu) and bear the responsibility of trading of quick accessibility (by not cycling) versus having a lot of parameters easily accessible.

Should be saved per project.


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