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Author Topic: Polybrute does not start - Only "POLY" button is lit.  (Read 1437 times)


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Polybrute does not start - Only "POLY" button is lit.
« on: November 26, 2021, 07:39:30 am »
Hi all,
I think that's a bad trip for me now : my Polybrute does not start - Only "POLY" button is lit.
Any tips or shortcut ?
I have to say that the calibration step was more and more longuer to be achieved before it happends.

May someone could give me Arturia French phone number support ?
May be I'm a bit irritated but I can't find it anywhere...
I have created a contact thru the website interface and I can't finds the ticket number...
« Last Edit: November 26, 2021, 07:41:21 am by gm.rixes »


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Re: Polybrute does not start - Only "POLY" button is lit.
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2021, 09:34:35 am »
This seems to happen a lot to a lot of people, happened to me yesterday. You need to connect your polybrute to a computer running Polybrute connect. Polybrute connect will tell you that the firmware on your machine is 0.2.0 (for som inexplicable reason), and that you need to update the firmware. Once you have updated the firmware the synth works fine again. I was pleased at least to find that my custom presets where not lost


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