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Author Topic: Only 5 voices sound?  (Read 2192 times)


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Only 5 voices sound?
« on: September 05, 2021, 06:59:09 pm »
I just got my Polybrute and right out the box it seems only 5 voices sound and the 6th one is silent for every every preset. I have it set to poly under polyphony and single under timbrality. Its always the 6th voice that wont sound when cycling through. I've reloaded the firmware, Ive gotten the vco calibration to take once, but I can't get a single vcf calibration to take. Nothing seems to make a difference and it's very frustrating.  :-[

Ive contacted support but its a holiday weekend so Im looking for community answers.


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Re: Only 5 voices sound?
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2021, 11:27:46 am »
It's Tuesday so maybe support have gotten back to you.

If not you could try "Restore" in the "Settings/Misc/Voice Auto-Tuning", and also the "All" option - AFAIK "All" will calibrate the VCAs as well as the VCOs and VCFs. A Factory Reset is also something to try if things are acting strange. 


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Re: Only 5 voices sound?
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2021, 10:28:50 pm »
Yes support got back to me with all of the work arounds that you described. It appears I did indeed have a defective voice card/chip on voice number 3 and I've sent it in for replacement. What a shame. I hope this isn't a recurring incident.

I wonder if the Matrix brute has calibration failure issues like the Polybrute does and if it will be fixed through firmware updates. Do you think the calibration failure was largely due to the lack of voice #3 responding?


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Re: Only 5 voices sound?
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2021, 08:48:49 am »
I have the exact same situation. On every 6th key strike VCO 2 including the Sub drops dead. I can hear it very quietly in the back but barely. Super frustrating especially since i ordererd  it from Denmark and im in Germany...
But since this seems to be an issue that is not uniquely happening to me that really makes you wonder...


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Re: Only 5 voices sound?
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2021, 11:25:17 pm »
Oscillator one of the fifth voice on my polybrute was defective. It did work properly at first, but after a couple months it started to act up. After a 10-15 minutes warm up it started to output only very low frequency rumble. I sent my unit back for repair. First Arturia's repair partner in Germany had it for three weeks, but they had to sent it to France to Arturia as they couldn't fix it. After Arturia had it over two weeks without being able to fix it either, I asked for a refund.


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Re: Only 5 voices sound?
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2021, 12:02:36 am »
Mine failed after a few days of operation, the square wave output of voice 2 on VCO 2 went very very low, so low you could hardly hear it. This caused the auto calibration routine to timeout because it was not getting a signal from that voice. I see others having the same time out issue so i suspect it might be a similar issue.
I sent mine back to Juno but becuase i hadn't opened the box for 6 weeks i missed out on the 28 day replacement so it went back the the distributors who couldn't fix it and then back to Artuira HQ where is has been for about 4 weeks. They say they will replace it with a new unit but i'm still waiting, 7 weeks in total now.
I just hope it doesn't happen with the new one too as it seems affect a few poeples machines.


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