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Author Topic: How do I get to only the Patchworks patches?  (Read 2043 times)

aaron aardvark

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How do I get to only the Patchworks patches?
« on: November 22, 2021, 08:00:13 am »
OK, I have owned all sorts of Arturia plugins for a long time, and I just bought V Collection 8; one of the things that comes with that is Patchworks, which is supposed to be 700 patches.  And yes, I downloaded Patchworks already.  Do I only access that through Analog Lab V?  Or any of the instruments within V Collection 8?  I looked for a Bank named Patchworks in Analog Lab V and ARP 2600 V, and didn't see one.  What if I just want to try out the Patchwork patches without going through 10,000 patches?  How do I know if a patch is part of Patchworks?  Help please!


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Re: How do I get to only the Patchworks patches?
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2021, 06:03:29 pm »

If the soundpack is installed too, then it should appear as a bank named PatchWorks in any application, that it has presets for.
Sometimes it helps to open ASC and/ or restart the application after the soundpack has been installed, if the baank does'nt appear at first. A computer restart perhaps also can help.
If it still does'nt work, then you can try to delete the db.db3 file a launch Analog Lab V. Then let the database rebuild.
If none of this helps, then i suggest you ask Arturia support.

Hope you'll get it sorted.

aaron aardvark

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Re: How do I get to only the Patchworks patches?
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2021, 08:43:35 pm »
Thank you for replying!  I wanted to reply before I forget.  Perhaps my first mistake: I probably had not updated the ASC recently; it updated automatically when I opened ASC today.  Earlier, I did not notice any way to upgrade from V Collection 6 to V Collection 8, so I downloaded every instrument separately, which was time consuming.  So after ASC was updated, it was easy to see how to upgrade to V Collection 8 with a few mouse clicks, and activate it (it did not show as being activated earlier today).  It ended up downloading every instrument again.  I will assume that fixed my issue, though I have not confirmed that quite yet.  Thanks again!  :)
« Last Edit: November 26, 2021, 08:47:16 pm by aaron aardvark »


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