Yet some more addition info to be added:
- BEFORE trying these later possible solutions that I just explained changing connections to the USB port in the Audiofuse to the pc o hub... whenever I got into the problem, I used to switch the Audiofuse off at the back in the off bottom. This almost never worked and I have to reinitiate the pc etch (thought sometimes it did worked and sound simply returned after turning the unity off and on)
- AFTER I start trying took the mains connection off the Audiofuse and back on and on this ocassion sound would return almost inmediately
- BUT NOW ALSO AFTER having play with the USB connecton directly to PC or HUB (though this didnt solved the problem) if I now just turn the unity off and back on (without disconnecting/connecting the device, now the sound its also coming back without the need of taking the mains off which at least its a little faster and less annoying than having to disconect the mains off and back on from the back of the unit
And lastly (unless I discover new facts)... to let you know that the problem appears with each time less and less time passing by. Meaning that from very first connectio to the very sound stop could easily pass some 15/20 minutes with no issues BUT as problem increases on number of sound stops, the time delayed before the problem reappears, is each time shorter and shorter. Ie, to start 20 mins before the sound stops, after the first stop, may 10 mins, after the 3erd stops, may ocurrs again after 5 minutes and after more and more stops and me doing everytime the act of switching the device off and on, at these stages the problem (the silent) them shows up basically after 1 minute playing.
And I guys making myself understood? Thanks