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Author Topic: Using for software development - how to program lowlevel?  (Read 2718 times)


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Using for software development - how to program lowlevel?
« on: September 02, 2021, 04:29:15 pm »
Hello Arturia

I plan to buy a device of this type to help me in my software development process (change parameters etc). Thus, in pure controller mode. I'd like to control a few parameters - e.g. knob acceleration & pad velocity - from my code. Sadly you do not offer Linux configuration software (I only use LInux). Is there a technical document that explains what kind of message exchange is required to modify these and other settings? Is this done via Midi control messages, or via USB?

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Using for software development - how to program lowlevel?
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2021, 04:41:49 pm »
Maybe you'll get an official reply from Arturia but in the meantime I can give some hints.
MIDI enabled devices are usually configured through MIDI CC and/or SysEx.

In case of the BeatStep, it's mostly MIDI SysEx.
To know which parameters/settings are available to be changed you can get a good perspective by looking at its MCC page(s).

Then, to know which SysEx sequence does what, you can either use a MIDI sniffer between the MCC and the device or check the MCC's own MIDI console/log output section.

Basically, what I'm saying (and usually do) is, when there's no documentation, there's always the reverse engineering way of understanding the protocol being used, which in this case we already know it's MIDI SysEx so all that's missing is know the specific sequences per configurable setting.

Have you tried running the win version of the MCC in Wine?
« Last Edit: September 02, 2021, 04:48:41 pm by Koshdukai »


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