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Author Topic: Sustain issue when connected to Akai Force  (Read 1113 times)


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Sustain issue when connected to Akai Force
« on: July 16, 2021, 02:28:25 am »
I have a brand new PolyBrute (fw version

When MIDI local is ON and I don't have PolyBrute connected to anything, the connected sustain pedal works as expected. Works great, sounds great!

If I connect PolyBrute to my Akai Force (fw 3.0.6) via either USB MIDI or DIN MIDI (MIDI local is OFF) and press the sustain pedal, PolyBrute goes crazy. With MIDI OX monitoring everything, I see constant alternating B0 40 00 and B0 40 7F sustain pedal MIDI messages, and PolyBrute starts sounding horrible. I can change patches, but they all sound bad. Maybe that's because the sustain is in a feedback loop or something. This also happens if I use a sustain pedal connected to an external MIDI controller.

I have to power cycle the PolyBrute to get it to be usable again.

I haven't seen this behavior with any other synth, and I have a bunch of them.



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Re: Sustain issue when connected to Akai Force
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2021, 04:50:03 am »
I tried to pair a PolyBrute into an MPC X.

Nightmare to clock sync them, even though I tried every possible clock/sync setting on both machines.

I would say the feedback and interaction with Akai gear is your issue here as well. Sorry I can't give technical support here, just sharing my experience.


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