I was playing with The great instrument from Arturia (except few small firmware bugs).

Demo video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5MlEiedFlkCurrently I'm heading to create control surface in Ableton, to send text messages to the Keylab when I'm switching between scenes. For me it will be useful for live performance, when each my scene has setup instruments for that particular song. So then I would see text on my keylab, on which scene am I, and I could be completely free of notebook.
Maybe some tech information:
Button LED turn on/offF0 00 20 6B 7F 42 02 00 10 12 7F F7 (1st button)
F0 00 20 6B 7F 42 02 00 10 13 7F F7 (2nd button)...
Turn LED on on buttons 1-8 (9-10 are not responding to SysEx message, also i did not found transport buttons, for example light up on PLAY button would be very practical)
Command: F0 00 20 6B 7F 42 02 00 10 12 7F F7
Turn LED off
Command: F0 00 20 6B 7F 42 02 00 10 12 00 F7
Send text message to KeyLab:(header) F0 00 20 6B 7F 42 04 00 60 01
text - convert your characters with any convertor from ASCII to HEX
new line - 00 02
footer - 00 F7
Entire message example:
F0 00 20 6B 7F 42 04 00 60 01 53757065722054657374 00 F7
It works with latest firmware (1.33)
I used MIDI-OX with message translator/replacement to have proper function on my KeyLab with VirtualMidi Driver. So I'm intercepting incoming messages (which are not handled in KeyLab) and translating them to SysEx messages (Where KeyLab is somehow listening)
Why I started this ?1.Because my buttons under knobs/encoders/ are not lightning UP when they are set in CTRL Toggle mode (I need visual feedback without looking into notebook if my instrument is on /off). Just loop button acts properly. I see MIDI message coming from Ableton (toggle message) but keyboard (firmware) is not handling that - not managing button light.
2. Pads: When are they set to toggle mode, they are not toggling values 0/127, but they are still sending velocity. For Ableton >64 means turn on, <=64 turn off. So when I want to turn on my instrument I need to tap harder, to turn off I need to tap slightly (but what if not)

, this is not safe toggling. Every other instrument hiwch is having Pads (Akai, M-audio, novation), when is set to CTRL toggle mode, PADS are sending either 0 or 127 (or as you set). I miss this for my KeyLab.
I like this keyboard so much, just small bug fixes would make this keyboard perfect.
Any attention from Arturia ?