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Author Topic: How are the filter routing supposed to work?  (Read 1391 times)


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How are the filter routing supposed to work?
« on: May 19, 2021, 01:43:08 pm »
I noticed that it seems like the Ladder-filter on my Polybrute stays in some kind of parallel mode. When in parallel mode the Steiner-Parker stays crisp in hp-mode. But in series its affected by the Ladder-filter. The thing is that i still get a strong full signal even with the cutoff knob fully clock-wise. I thought that the signal should be silent.
It sounds like the SP-signal is mixed with the unaffected signal coming in to the Ladder.

Is it supposed to work like this? If not, is it hardware or software doing this?


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Re: How are the filter routing supposed to work?
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2021, 09:32:51 pm »

The manual describes this with a diagram in section Series / Para

A lot of the behavior will depend on your other settings. But let’s say your settings are like this (assuming 10 is max):

VCO 10

Cutoff 10
Res 0
Brute 0
Env 0
Level 10

Master: 0

Cutoff 10
Res 0
Disto 0
Series 0
Env Amt 0
Level 10

Here VCO1 is going into an open HP Steiner then into the LP ladder. There will be a weak signal but it’s audible. But the Level on the Steiner is effectively moot. If you turn the Steiner cutoff down more of the VCO frequencies will become audible.

But that’s very different than of you had Orange AND Green selected for Mixer VCO1, in which case the VCO would be routed to both the Steiner HP and ladder LP.

Hope that helps?


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Re: How are the filter routing supposed to work?
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2021, 10:51:00 pm »
Oh, user error! I thought that in order for the series routing to work both filters had to be assigned in the mixer section.....

Sorry!   :-[


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