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Author Topic: glide smoothing and ribbon recording  (Read 1559 times)


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glide smoothing and ribbon recording
« on: May 12, 2021, 04:15:20 pm »
All of these are related:

- Allow notes to be tied (enabling portamento/slide per note control), like the Keystep37.
- Have a setting (menu?) to "smooth" recorded Control track knob CC output. (currently, a slow & even CC knob-sweep recording plays back per step, thus is not continuous MIDI).
- Allow ribbons to be recorded. (this would help musicians set up the track with pitch and mod automation, and move on to other tracks, building up the song).

I believe an easy solution for all of these, would simply to have the option for the software connect the note (ribbon or CC) information between steps. No intermediate data needs to be stored (like a DAW CC lane would). The software would simply create a ramp (s curve would probably be most natural sounding) between notes (ribbon or CC data) to allow smooth transitions.

I'm hoping that KSP can expand from the "on the grid" vibe that it does so well, to allow fluid transitions.

Thanks for all your work Artura team.


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