Would you be able to guide me in a bit of practical manner how to approach that in MB?
Sure. It will not help if your issue is indeed that the envelope starts at its current level when triggered.
However, it does allow you to change the shape of the envelope segments, so here's how to do it for the VCA Envelope Attack as an example:
- In the mod matrix, assign the VCA Envelope attack segment to a custom mod destination => hold the round button above column 13 and then move the ENV 2 Attack slider.
- In the mod matrix, connect the ENV 2 source (row 2) to the ENV 2 Attack destination (column 13).
- Use the Amount knob to control the feedback, you can see in the linked article in my previous posting how positive or negative mod amounts changes the shape of the attack segment. When you apply varying feedback, the attack time changes, so you have to adjust both Attack and the feedback mod Amount to find the ideal time and shape.