I can’t really think of a solution for your issue other than getting another keystep pro, or a beatstep pro (although I think those are only 3 channels and monophonic maybe ?) , or something like the novation circuit or other smaller sequencer. I actually think 2 keystep pros would be amazing next to eachother , maybe one for synths and one for samplers/drum machines. I’m a sucker for lots of things going on at once, but it would get unruly. I’m thinking about (eventually) getting a circuit tracks or rhythm as an affordable companion for a few more channels of sequencing. Plus the sampling. The digitakt is small with 8 channels but expensive.
Digitakt is a solid idea. It's also very compact for my limited space. I'm just not one for menu diving. Although maybe it's time I start in that direction. Doubling up on the KSP might be the idea I'm most comfortable with for now. I'll look into circuit tracks and rhythm too. Thank you.
You're almost there...

Elektron Digitone is a (THE) fantastic partner to the KeyStep Pro, and beats the Digitakt IMO.
The Digitone works in 2 groups of 4, which is what makes it so intuitive to use with the KSP.
You have 4 tracks of synths, then 4 dedicated midi-channels that let you use the amazing Elektron Step Seq with external midi gear.
So just simply using the Digitone as a 4-part sound module is great in itself, but working with them in combination is amazingly powerful.
I often play most of my parts first on the KSP, then record the main patterns I want into the Digitone when needed.
It also works great for being able to record the ARP from KSP (something I hope comes in v2 from Arturia).
You mentioned menu diving... there's a slight learning curve with Elektron, but once you get it it's really intuitive and doesn't feel like menu-diving. It's very hands on and tactile, and you get fast when you're familiar.
If I started listing/describing the possibilites/functionality of this set up it would take me days... just trust me, it goes deep!!
Incidentally, I have a few Elektron units, they're all good... the Analog Four is really good with the KSP too, but, given a choice of ANY hardware to go with the KSP, if I had to take just one, it would be the Digitone.