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Author Topic: Intermittent overdub issue  (Read 3896 times)


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Intermittent overdub issue
« on: April 22, 2021, 05:25:47 am »
I'm having some random notes get triggered when I try to overdub on top of a step sequence that I have created on the unit.  I'm using Keystep 37 standalone with some hardware synths.  I tried testing out the overdub feature with a drum program.  I start off by step-sequencing a kick and snare rhythm, then I hit play on the sequencer.  Then I hit the record button and go to tap in some hi-hat notes here and there, and after a few taps, random notes will start getting triggered, like tom-tom sounds, etc.  I believe I have my note resolution set to 1/8th notes, but I don't see why it would matter.  I've tried resetting the unit, I've tried using other MIDI sound modules, I've used synth patches instead of drum sounds, and every time it triggers random notes when I go to overdub in real time after I enter a step-sequence.  I believe I updated the unit to the current firmware, so I'm not sure what it could be. 

Anyone else experiencing similar issues with overdubbing like this?  Am I trying to overdub incorrectly?

Let me know.



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Re: Intermittent overdub issue
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2021, 03:36:30 am »
Hi Is your issue the same as in this post and youtube video ?


Ive just returned mine as it had the same issue..not just in overdub, but also in real time recording.
Does yours double the notes in real time recording ie with record and play button pressed.  ?


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Re: Intermittent overdub issue
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2021, 03:42:39 am »
Although what you describe may be a seperate issue.
But that also was happening with my unit which I noticed while overdubbing drum sounds too.
Different drums to whet I was playing were being triggered.
I wonder if the two scenarios are linked to the same hardware issue?


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Re: Intermittent overdub issue
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2021, 04:57:05 am »
Hi Is your issue the same as in this post and youtube video ?


Ive just returned mine as it had the same issue..not just in overdub, but also in real time recording.
Does yours double the notes in real time recording ie with record and play button pressed.  ?

Although what you describe may be a seperate issue.
But that also was happening with my unit which I noticed while overdubbing drum sounds too.
Different drums to whet I was playing were being triggered.
I wonder if the two scenarios are linked to the same hardware issue?

Hi Jes,
Thanks for your reply.  I actually found your post the other night, just before I contacted Arturia tech support.  After seeing your update on the issue, I was convinced that they were going to tell me that my issue was going to be some sort of physical issue with the keybed and that I was going to have to send it to them to get it looked at/repaired.  But the tech support representative assured me that they had come across this issue and that it would hopefully be addressed in a future firmware update?

I would say your issue is pretty similar to mine.  Basically any time I try to use the real-time recording function, it seems to trigger and record notes that it shouldn't be triggering...notes that I 100% did not play when recording...doubling notes, sure...also, almost seemed like the chord mode function was getting switched on at certain points, even though it clearly wasn't.  I understand that any notes that I play in real-time will be quantized to the nearest beat, and I'm ok with that.  But this real-time/overdub function is simply not working the way I figure it ought to be.  I'm a little bummed, but I will still probably hang onto mine because I still enjoy the SH101-style step sequencing.  Hopefully they manage to fix this issue, because otherwise what's the point of having this new overdub feature.

What happened with yours?  Did you just return it to the store where you purchased it?



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Re: Intermittent overdub issue
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2021, 07:51:11 pm »
Hi yep I sent it back but I bought another and it is doing the same thing.
Note : I wasnt the original poster of that thread but referred it to you to illustrate the similar eoblem I was having.
I am surprised that, if this is a known issue, how come very few people are mentioning or complaining about it.
Does no one else real time record ? Is there a bad batch ?
Can I ask what country you are from Sprallz24 ?
Is anyone else who reads this experiencing the same doubling and triggering of unplayed notes whilst real time recording or
Personally, I like the keysep 37 a lot. However the ability to be able to real time record is essential to me especially playing live. This is one of the main reasons I purchased it.


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Re: Intermittent overdub issue
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2021, 07:44:41 pm »
My bad, Jes.  I completely missed that you were not the original poster of that thread.  Kind of? reassuring to know that there are others experiencing this same issue.  I agree - if it's such a known issue, then how is there seemingly no mention of this problem anywhere else online, especially considering that the real-time record is one of the features that sets this unit apart from the original Keystep.  I watched countless YouTube reviews prior to purchasing mine, and no one sees to experience any issues with this feature. 

I'm in the United States, in Philadelphia.  I purchased mine online from a dealer in NYC.

At this point, I've moved onto one of my other sequencers.  It's a bummer, but it's forced me to dig deeper into some of my other pieces of gear that were not being utilized prior to this.  So I'm going to hang onto it and wait to see if any of the future firmware updates fix this bug.



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Re: Intermittent overdub issue
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2021, 08:54:16 am »
Hi sprallz24 
Well I contacted Arturia and they have also confirmed to me that it is a known issue and that (hopefully) it will be addressed in a firmware update.
Therefore I have decided to keep this second one as there is a lot to like about it.
I guess it just means working in a different way which is not always a bad thing.
However I really hope they fix this issue so I can use it to its full potential.
Greetings from Australia!


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Re: Intermittent overdub issue
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2021, 02:18:57 am »
Same problem here... Bought the Keystep 37 last year, and on the first weeks i noticed the problem. At the time, since i had only used the controller for a very short time, i thought i was using it wrong or something like that. Read the manual but found no solution... searched online and found no one else with the same problem... i ended up stopping using the sequencer mode.

Today i stumbled with this problem again so i made another search online and found this post.
Im kinda relieved to know im not the only one with this problem, but also very frustrated, because its such a a fun and amazing feature, and it's completely unusable. Hope a firmware update can fix the problem soon!

By the way, playing  with the bug i found out the random notes are not random at all!!! It seems to me like its an old sequence that's leaking out from the rested notes. Since it only happens (at least to me) when setting the sequence length up front (all rests), or when creating a step sequence that contains rests. If the sequence has no rests the bug just doesn't happen.

If you want to try to reproduce the error, create a sequence of some fixed length, press play to real-time record and hold a single note. If you dont release the note when the sequence loops the new pattern starts to appear.

Would love to know if its the same problem we are all experiencing.

Used the midi center to delete the saved sequences and the problem dissapeared!!!
Sadly, the problem reappears after creating a new sequence. And deleting the sequence form the keystep directly (shift + octave buttons) doesn't seem to truly delete the sequence.
Don't know if there is some other way to delete a sequence directly from the keystep

found a way to truly delete the current sequence from the keystep, solving my issue.
On a running sequence, hold the rest button until the sequence loops. This will fully clear the pattern, and the ghost patterns wont appear anymore on overdub recordings.
The issue was that the other ways to create a new sequence didn't thruly delete the previous sequence, making it leak to the new sequence...

Hope this helps somebody!!

P.D: Sorry if my writing is a bit off. Im from Argentina, so English is not my first thongue.

Good luck to you all!
« Last Edit: July 17, 2021, 03:57:22 am by taschetta »


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