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Author Topic: [SOLVED] Logic Pro validates AU plugins but doesn't show up in instruments  (Read 10794 times)


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I recently purchased an Arturia Keylab MkII 61, and I successfully installed all the software that comes with it, including Analog Lab V. However, I can’t get any of my Arturia AU plugins to appear in Logic Pro.. strangely, the plug-in manager sees it and successfully validated it, and I have a checkbox next to it. But it doesn’t show up under AU Instruments when I try to make a track with it. Anyone else have this issue before? I’m using the latest Logic Pro 10.6.1. I’ve tried rescanning them multiple times, reinstalling the plugins multiple times, rebooted, but no luck so far.

« Last Edit: April 15, 2021, 05:51:01 pm by kimcheese »


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Re: Logic Pro validates AU plugins but doesn't show up in instruments
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2021, 10:45:44 am »

Ok dumb question time but are you absolutely sure the new track you have made is a midi track and not an audio track? I have a similar config to you and that's the only reason why I can think Analog Lab wouldn't appear as an AU.
2022 Apple Studio Max 32/32/2TB Monterey • V Collection 9 • Analog Lab 4 + 5 • KeyLab 88 • KeyStep


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Re: Logic Pro validates AU plugins but doesn't show up in instruments
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2021, 01:49:38 pm »
Yeah it is definitely a MIDI track. My other plugins work fine, so I am at a loss for why Arturia’s won’t show up.


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Re: Logic Pro validates AU plugins but doesn't show up in instruments
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2021, 05:49:06 pm »
I just heard back from Arturia support and their response actually helped me solve it! So for anyone else who finds this thread hoping for a solution, here it is! For the record, I tried the method of creating a new user account and generating a new audio unit cache and copying it over. It worked for me, so hopefully it works for others!

Thank you for reaching us and sorry for this inconvenience.

Regarding the issue faced with Logic which doesn't displays the validated plug-ins on your tracks, this seems to be a known issue affecting Logic users since one of their recent updates (cannot confirm which precise one at the moment):

Some users were able to resolve this issue by downgrading Logic Pro (but requires a backup of Logic) and then by rescanning and validating them once again from this version to have them properly accessible within the very latest version afterward (Make sure to avoid rescanning them from the latest version which seems to cause these issues to occur).

At the moment based on some user feedbacks, we would suspect this precise issue to be possibly related to some permissions issues or some issues related to the AU validation tool which may in some situations not operate properly on Catalina after having either upgraded the OS from a previous version of once having restored Logic or software instruments files from a time machine backup (these are suspicions only for now, but based on some other feedback this would possibly explain this state) even if some plug-ins may be still displayed and working fine.

To confirm that, and as another alternate solution which seems to have helped other users as well, you should be able to create another distinct User account with administrator rights (a new account) and then to proceed with a rescan of your Audio Units plug-ins by following the steps below:

The following instructions will reset the Audio Unit Cache causing Logic to rescan the plugin on opening.

- First quit Logic.

- Then, delete the following files:




To access the Library:
- Open the Finder
- Click on "GO" and hold the "Alt" key on your keyboard
- "Library" will appear in the list

Alternatively, you can use the "Go to Folder" menu and type in (Refer to the screenshot) :

- Once it's done, reboot your computer, log on your newly created account and try again.

- Finally, if it's working fine, you should be able to move the newly generated cache files from your newly created account to your previous account to definitely fix the issue:

Simply copy the folder below from the new account to the previous one:

Then give it another try.

In all cases, i would strongly suggest you to also explain the situation to the Apple or Logic support team in case they may have any further suggestions to provide in this matter and in order to increase the priority of this issue on their end as well for this to be hopefully fixed as soon as possible.


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Thanks for posting the workaround. So it's a Logic issue.
Apple will no doubt fix this in their own sweet time but I wouldn't want to be dangling off a cliff by my fingernails waiting.
There was an issue in 2019 with the then latest release of GarageBand where the smart controls panel was completely unresponsive for any users running an OS older than MacOS Catalina. It took Apple three months to patch it.
2022 Apple Studio Max 32/32/2TB Monterey • V Collection 9 • Analog Lab 4 + 5 • KeyLab 88 • KeyStep


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