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Author Topic: Can't import or export presets  (Read 646 times)


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Can't import or export presets
« on: February 17, 2021, 12:15:17 pm »
Hi there,

Here's my problem : It seems that i can't import or export presets with the midi control center. I tried everything uninstall and reinstall the MCC, the driver, restart my computer, nothing works.

Here''s the message I got.



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Re: Can't import or export presets
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2021, 03:09:40 pm »
Could be the "é" in the "Clément" on the file path (and that's a bug).

Have you updated the MCC to the latest version?

If yes and that's still happening, can you try copying that .mfprojz file to a simpler file path (like C:\tmp\) and try importing it from there?

If that works, then it's almost certain that it's a char issue if not, it might be something else more obscure to figure out.

Edit: ok, I just tried it myself, exporting a project to a folder named "C:\Clément" and got a similar error. I've reported this issue to Arturia but you may want to do the same through Support, so this bug can be fixed in the MCC :)
« Last Edit: February 17, 2021, 03:21:03 pm by Koshdukai »


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Re: Can't import or export presets
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2021, 03:48:00 pm »
Ok that was it! Thanks a lot!

Yeah I'm on the latest version of the MCC btw.

Totally didn't thought about that, such a specific thing.

Yeah I'll report this issue as well!



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