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Author Topic: Playing CMI V as Drums (not as a Sequencer)  (Read 2644 times)


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Playing CMI V as Drums (not as a Sequencer)
« on: February 03, 2021, 06:32:04 pm »
Can someone please show me how to use this so that I can play individual drum sounds on each key? Currently it can only play a complete pattern. Ideally one could do this to play their own drum pattern in a live setting.

I would have thought this would be a simple selection to make but alas I cannot figure it out. Logically there would be a button to press to make this happen (whether or not the original machine was capable of this).
I have seen other products online that sample this very instrument that can individually play each drum sound on a different keyboard note. I'd rather not have to buy the same sounds already contained within.

Has anyone else ran into this problem?  ???


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Re: Playing CMI V as Drums (not as a Sequencer)
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2021, 12:26:43 am »

Apparantly noone else will reply.

If the sequence is done by the internal sequencer and it's not a audio loop sample, then you can turn off the sequencer in the Sequencer section. Just activate the STOP in the PLAY MODE for the sequencer.

After this the 10 slots individual sounds will play on the keys they are mapped to.

Hope this helps.


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