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Author Topic: New Arturia User, problem with OSC #2 on Modular V  (Read 5200 times)


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New Arturia User, problem with OSC #2 on Modular V
« on: April 17, 2020, 08:24:25 pm »

I just purchased V7 collection and New to Arturia products.  So far I've been playing only with Modular V2 and I have an issue.  On some presets (newly created or existing presets), when switching a patch from an oscillator to the mixer (to change a waveform) the synth won’t produce any sound except on the original patch location, or sometimes there will be crackling noise.  One exemple is a patch on which for OSC#2, the triangle will not emit sound, and square wave will noise cracklings, although the saw and sine works fine. 

I made a video of the problem.  It might be something I’m doing wrong but just don’t see the problem for now.  Obviously i’m not touching any other parameter, and patch to the same mixer location.

I’m using a 2019 iMac, 8-Core i9 processor, 64G of ram and SSD Drive, on Mojave 10.14.5


Philippe Gravel
« Last Edit: April 17, 2020, 08:49:16 pm by Calimero »


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Re: New Arturia User, problem with OSC #2 on Modular V
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2020, 08:51:05 pm »
Hi and welcome to Arturia forums.

Why do you mention a video without posting it here?
I suggest you remove the video from whereever you have posted it. There is no problem. It's about understanding the synth.

Each driver section has 3 OSC's. On each driver you have a knob to set the Pulse Width of waves for those 3 OSC's. This in example make it possible to create pulse waveforms.
The Triangle and Saw waveform is also affected by this parameter. If the Pulse Width knob is fully to the left, then you get the result you describe as in example the Square will be a very narrow Pulse when the knob is fully left. Just turn the knob right to get sound.

You can use a oscilloscope to see what's going on for the different waveforms, when you turn a Drivers Pulse Width knob.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2020, 08:53:38 pm by LBH »


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Re: New Arturia User, problem with OSC #2 on Modular V
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2020, 09:16:56 pm »
Hello LBH,

First thanks, Obviously I didn't pay attention to this detail, It looks like this fixed my issue!

As for your comments:

"Why do you mention a video without posting it here?"  I won't post a video unless it's necessary... Obviously you didn't need it to help me!
"I suggest you remove the video from wherever you have posted it".  Why would I post videos everywhere?  I paid for the software, so I expect to have support here, or otherwise directly with Arturia. 

Thanks for your help,



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Re: New Arturia User, problem with OSC #2 on Modular V
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2020, 09:46:20 pm »
Hi Calimero,

Your welcome.

Glad that was it. It's a common mistake.

People actually and unfortunately put lots of videos on youtube without ensuring it's correct information, and you did'nt say you could post it if needed. You could just as well have published it elsewhere.

Please keep in mind, that i'm a user. This forum is'nt official Arturia support, even if Arturia sometimes reply here. You can't (Edited as i saw i wrote can) exspect to get Arturia support here. Obviously i support as a user, but that can't be exspected either.

« Last Edit: April 17, 2020, 10:06:16 pm by LBH »


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Re: New Arturia User, problem with OSC #2 on Modular V
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2020, 10:03:55 pm »
That's good to know, thanks!




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Re: New Arturia User, problem with OSC #2 on Modular V
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2021, 11:14:02 pm »
Hello LBH-

New to the fora, but well versed in Moog modular synths (have had a 35A since 1978).  In your reply to Calimero, you stated:

On each driver you have a knob to set the Pulse Width of waves for those 3 OSC's. This in example make it possible to create pulse waveforms.
The Triangle and Saw waveform is also affected by this parameter.

This is news to me.  On a real Modular M**g, the saw and triangle waveforms are not affected by the PWM knob.  Is this something that is an addition to the functionality of the 921A equivalent added by Arturia?  If so...cool; how does it work?


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Re: New Arturia User, problem with OSC #2 on Modular V
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2021, 07:54:57 pm »
Hi jb4.

It's an addition/ difference in Arturias Modular version that more waveforms than the Square is affected by the Pulsewidth parameter.

For other waveforms than the Square i would not call the effect Pulsewidth, but there is an effect going on in Arturias version.
The Triangel is bend into a sort of Shark waveform. The Saw actually look and sound like it do some kind of sync sweep where it end an octave up. This octave change can be something to look out for, as an OSCs Saw sound one octave above a full 50% square. I also think the PW parameter originally had another range, than Arturias version have.
I suggest you use a oscilloscope to see what's going on with Arturias version, and use your ears to hear it.

There are pros and cons to this behaviors. In some cases you can't do the same as in the original. As it is, it will require more Driver sections than one, if you in example want a 30% Pulsewave mixed with a true Triangle and/ or Saw. And more than one OSC to have a 50% Square and a true Saw in the same Octave tuning.
(A way to select which waveforms to be affected by the PW parameter would help to have the original behavior too.)
On the other hand you have some other possibilities.


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