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Author Topic: Pitchwheel data going haywire  (Read 1978 times)


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Pitchwheel data going haywire
« on: January 16, 2021, 02:41:31 am »
The Pitchwheel data is going haywire on my Keylab 88 without me touching the wheel. I can see the numbers moving randomly on the digital screen on the keyboard and it also writes random pitchwheel CC data into whatever MIDI I'm recording. While I'm playing back my piece in Cubase 10, it also affects the pitch of anything that accepts pitch CC data. I have changed the USB cable so it's not that. The pitch wheel is not loose at all, it's firmly in place, my keyboard is just a year old. I have attached a photo of the pitch data it's writing on its own. Can anyone help me with this?


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Re: Pitchwheel data going haywire
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2021, 04:28:03 pm »
I've got the same problem. Also with the knobs, if I touch them, they go random: usually go to 00 values, or low values, even if I'm turning them up, and I cannot rely on them anymore...

I'd be really happy with any idea to solve this, because it's a great keyboard, and part of this greatness is all the controls it has.



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