January 22, 2025, 06:06:25 am
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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Audiofuse 8pre & Presonus Digimax D8: a good fit for 16 live XLR inputs?  (Read 988 times)


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  • Posts: 49
  • Karma: 2
  • Noise noise noise.
Hey, y'all. Just setting up my home system. Using Cubase. I bought a Pre8 and I have a Digimax D8, they both connect fine with an ADAT cable. My questions are 1) since I'm recording live bands/mics, using 16 XLR mics on guitars & drums, with NO click tracks or automated devices, what if any are my limitations, and 2) will I ever really need a word clock cable/set up? I am VERY new to this.

I really am just trying to replace my 8 track Fostex R8 reel to reel with a digital/44.1 sampling rate/16 channel live XLR recording system. Or am I crazy not to upgrade to 96k, since "it's possible"?

Any help will be greatly appreciated
"Why do single coil pickups hum? Because they don't know the words"


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