I'm not sure to understand what you are searching to do, but i will add my question here, it seem to be close about what i'm searching for. Like that, i will not creat an other subject and bother everyone

So :
1) How can i add the Analog Lab presets (for exemple my "favorites" ones) in Ableton Live ? To play in Ableton as i play in Analog...?
I understand you did meet some issue with this integration, but at my part i have even no idea how to simply try do to it hihi .
An other question (that i will maybe ask in a new thread if it is not the good place here) :
2) When i launch a preset in Ableton (as the piano), i find no way to use the pads...I mean, i want to have a piano preset on the keyboard, and a drum preset on the pads. In the same time if possible !
3) In Analog Lab, it's seem not possible to set easly different presets in different part of the Keylab (a piano will make a piano sound on the keys and the pads, and a drum will make a drum sound on the keys and the pads...). Do it's possible to "split" the preset with the different parts of the Keylab using Analog Lab ? And...Maybe also Ableton, or any other software (and wich one ?)

I know it possible with the USER mod, but it seem to be so boring. I want to know if theire is an easyest way to split the Keylab MKII (the keyboard part and the pads part independantly) with different presets (piano VS drum kit) without programming the entire controler with user mod... ?