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Author Topic: USB Sync -> midi  (Read 2173 times)

Ab Wilson

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USB Sync -> midi
« on: December 01, 2020, 05:38:21 pm »
I'm not sure this is a feature request or a bug report. In my set up I try to be as DAW less as possible. I'm using my Drumbrute as sync master. It's sending out midi sync and analogue clocks with various other downstream hardware sequencers listening. I use Logic to record and usually I'll just use this like a tape machine and not sync it at all. However, just lately I've been trying to get these in sync so I can sequence a few polyphonic lines in Logic. What I was hoping was I'd be able to use the USB connection from my powerbook to the Drumbrute, and have it then forward the midi sync downstream as now. However this doesn't seem to be working? Should this work? Are there some settings I need to tweak?

Best Regards



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