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Author Topic: KeyStep Pro - Firmware Update v1.3.1  (Read 7242 times)


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KeyStep Pro - Firmware Update v1.3.1
« on: August 28, 2020, 04:48:23 pm »
KeyStep Pro
V 1.3.1

Hello everyone !
The KeyStep Pro firmware update 1.3.1 is now available.

/!\ To proceed with the update please follow this procedure very carefully /!\
  • Open and update your MIDI Control Center to version
  • Backup your KeyStep Pro projects to the updated MIDI Control Center
  • Start the KeyStep Pro firmware update process.
  • Once the KeyStep Pro has been updated to version 1.3.1, import your projects back
New features
Tracks Output MIDI channel per project (Hold Track + Turn browsing encoder) This shortcut lets you assign a specific Output MIDI Channel to the current project tracks.
New Tie / Rest implementation in Step Edit / Step Recording
Improved Quick Edit behavior: Hold a step now shows the default note but only adds it when the step button is released or if one of the 5 encoders is tweaked while holding the step
Modulation wheel can now be assigned to the CV Velo/Mod Outputs
MIDI soft thru now supports Pitch wheel messages
MIDI soft thru now supports Mod wheel messages
MIDI soft thru now supports Sustain messages
Transpose compensation (Notes recorded while sequence is transposed are compensated when deactivating the transposition)
Reset factory shortcut (Hold (OCT+) + (OCT-) + Power up)
Erase pages is now possible

Reworked Pattern/Scene selection / copy / paste / erase / save led behavior
Note limit warning is no longer displayed when too much notes are added to a Arp
Track arrow buttons now quit chain mode to pattern mode
Pressing and releasing Chain now reloads the first pattern of the chain
On the Drum Track, Shift + Drum now quits Mute Mode
Changing MIDI Channels (Global + Project) now send a All Notes Off message to avoid stuck notes
Scene selection visual feedback is now the same as patterns in blue
Saving a Project no longer updates scenes leds state

Bug fixes
Vegas mode no longer stays on when KeyStep Pro is awaken
Existing split is no longer turned off when trying to make a split with the drum track.
Steps overwritten after a copy/paste are no longer revealed by Invert and Nudge
Midi notes played with the keyboard over USB are no longer shifted
Pitch bend CV out now applies even if the track midi channel is off
No more risk of removing notes of other patterns when deleting a non selected pattern
Drum channel and Seq channel are no longer mixed in MIDI IN
Pressing Tie in Step Rec now makes the cursor move to the next step
Notes Velocity can no longer be set to 0
No more chances to end up with the 3 Seq Pattern modes LEDs lit at the same time
Clear steps now properly erases steps in Control Mode
In Step Edit, Time Shift leds are now properly updated after quantizing a step
Changing Seq Pattern mode from Rand or Walk to Fwd no longer shifts drum steps
Playing cursor can no longer turns off in step edit mode
Sync from USB to MIDI OUT is now working properly
Erase a scene after erasing a project no longer corrupts the memory
Scales can no longer create two times the same note in the same step
No longer stuck notes after disabling [Hold] while KSP is not running
Looper can no longer change pattern when a chain has been created
Correct pattern is now recalled on the selected track after pressing stop when another track has a chain enabled
Walk mode + Chain now works correctly
Note limit no longer prevents to add notes ARPs
Nudge and Invert no longer silences the selected drum instrument
Rand Order doesn’t turns off some steps anymore
No more timing offsets between sequences when pressing the touch strip after reloading a project
Step record now works when pressing a key that is not in the scale
In CV/Gate, notes played when hold is engaged are no longer stuck after exiting hold mode
« Last Edit: November 26, 2020, 09:47:30 am by Edouard_Arturia »


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