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Author Topic: New to ARP2600 Need help with Portamento gliding on the right notes?  (Read 3893 times)


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Windows 10
Cubase 10.5
Studio One 5

Hi All

I am new to this forum and to the wonderful ARP2600 and I have spent a frustrating couple of days trying to get the ARP to glide up a note and then down another (Portamento) in the way and on the notes I need it too. I have spent so many hours on this that I feel I need some fresh eyes who may know more then I do about this brilliant soft synth.

I have tried doing what I need both in Cubase and Studio One 5.

If you look at the screen shot shots I have attached you will see that I have a lead line that is B1 - E2 - D2 - A1 - A1 - B1 - B1.

I need the glide to start on the first B1 and complete as soon as it reaches E2 then about two thirds to 3/4 of the way through the E2 begin to glide down to the D2 then stop.

No matter how I set the automation for the Portamento Time the glide does not complete until after the E2 has started playing.
If I move the Portamento Time back in the automation lane it glides to slowly and takes up the whole of E2.
If I move the Portamento Time back in the automation lane it does not start at the beginning of B1 but just before the end where it glides to E2 really quickly and slightly affect the glide down time from E2 to D2.
Moving the top most controller marks left or right from where you see them really messes up the gild altogether for some reason.

In the screen shot you will see that on the first bar I start the slide on the B1 and on the 2nd bar it begins before the B1 (these are illistrations of what I have tried).

I am not the kind of person to ask for help easerly as I like to figure things out for myself but this has got me stumped so rather than get more and more fraustrated I thought I would reach out to you kind folks.

The last thing I will say is that the reason I want to use glide instead of pitch bend is that I have tried Pitch Bend and it sounds terrible and I love the sound of the glide on the preset I am using.

Many thanks all


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Re: New to ARP2600 Need help with Portamento gliding on the right notes?
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2020, 04:55:10 pm »
Hi and welcome to Arturia forums.

Are your ARP 2600 in MONO mode? I assume you are.
And i understand, that you don't wan't to use Pitch bender and that include Tuning parameters i assume.

The automation parameter "Portamento" controls the on/ off state of the Portamento.
The automation parameter "Portamento Time" controls the time/ speed/ rate  of the Portamento. It does'nt change the direction of the Portamento. I think you might misunderstand how the automation parameter "Portamento Time" works. It look like you think of it as a position and not a time/ Speed/ Rate.
It's notes that activate portamento and the direction of the portamento.

If i understand you correct about what you wan't to do, then i would:
1. First be sure B1 was the last note played, then activate Portamento. This to ensure B1 is the starting point of the Portamento.
2. Then when E2 is engaged the Portamento start. The Portamento Time ishould be set to reach E2 where you wan't the Portamento to change direction. I understand you wan't E2 to be reached.
3. At that point you should play D2. Then the Portamento will start glide to D2 from E2. If you wan't a change in the glide time at this point, then you can set a new Portamento Time for this glide, so the note D2 will be reached at the time you wan't it to be reached.
You have the E2 playing to long time. Set the D2 to play when E2 is reached,  - the point where you want to start the glide to D2, and shorten the E2 note to that same point.

Hope this helps. Feel free to ask again or for more, if you need it.


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Re: New to ARP2600 Need help with Portamento gliding on the right notes?
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2020, 09:39:47 pm »

Thank you for taking the time to post such a helpful reply for which I am very grateful.

Your reply was perfect and I have now been able to achieve what I set out to do.

Thank you again.



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Re: New to ARP2600 Need help with Portamento gliding on the right notes?
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2020, 12:11:26 am »
Hi Event2020,

Your welcome. Glad i could help.


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