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Author Topic: MatrixBrute Trade in credit  (Read 9120 times)


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MatrixBrute Trade in credit
« on: September 29, 2020, 03:20:18 am »
Wouldn’t it be redeeming if Arturia were to offer a trade in credit? MatrixBrute for Polybrute? I mean they took a lot of the ideas this forum had provided for improvements to Mxb and instead put them into their new synth...and not to mention unfixed issues which seem to be on the shelf.. least they could offer is either a substantial discount to Mxb owners to purchase a Polybrute, or a trade-in program? Thoughts?


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Re: MatrixBrute Trade in credit
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2020, 12:57:33 am »
Hah! If I had any interest in owning it, I'd say yes. Once the bugs start popping up and ignored with the poly, the same cycle will continue.
That is literally what they did though: used us as an unpaid focus group to help design a synth while we paid for the pleasure.
 Horrible company that I will never spend my money on again. Fool me once.


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Re: MatrixBrute Trade in credit
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2020, 04:40:13 am »
Yea I have some money to spend and would have probably pre-ordered the Poly IF they had just fixed that Midi Start command issue. But yes I don't think most customers like to feel ignored. Lots of companies now are getting in the habit of doing this sort of thing, usually big companies (aka Roland) that have a diverse product line can often pull this trick, but smaller boutique and specialized companies that jump to this model, sometimes burn enough people they have a hard time coming back from. There is still hope in my mind that they will come back soon and fix these remaining items in maybe a final firmware fix, Even still though the feeling of being ignored is not something customers forget quickly. I'm thinking soon there will be a big announcement from Elektron SE, that will give some serious competition...praying to the Gods and


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Re: MatrixBrute Trade in credit
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2020, 07:09:59 pm »
When the initial announcement of the PolyBrute came, I was quite upset at first. But after watching all the demos, and most importantly, playing my MB again (!), I realized that I don't really need the PB. I love playing the MB for what it is, despite the remaining bug(s), etc. I have spent a long time discovering it and developing a really productive workflow on it, and  even a (highly improbable) trade-in would inevitably set me back with another learning curve. At my age (!) time is the essence, and constantly learning new instruments gets in the way of making music...

That being said, if I were to acquire another poly, it would probably be the Hydrasynth. I think it sounds fantastic (digital, yes, but different) and has super expressive capabilities with the poly AT, long ribbon and macro controls. The Daniel Fisher demo was very impressive. Here in Montréal, the Hydrasynth is roughly half the price of the PolyBrute...


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Re: MatrixBrute Trade in credit
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2020, 05:21:36 pm »

That being said, if I were to acquire another poly, it would probably be the Hydrasynth. I think it sounds fantastic (digital, yes, but different) and has super expressive capabilities with the poly AT, long ribbon and macro controls. The Daniel Fisher demo was very impressive. Here in Montréal, the Hydrasynth is roughly half the price of the PolyBrute...

FYI I bought the hydrasynth earlier this year and it is wonderful and impressive in every way.  I would still like an analog poly and I really like the features of the Poly Brute but at the current price there is a lot of competition.


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Re: MatrixBrute Trade in credit
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2020, 10:20:24 pm »
Funny enough I bought the Hydrasynth as well back in May. I absolutely love it. Also funny enough back in firmware update 1.4 on Hydrasynth they implemented the same midi start command requirement for the onboard arp.  Release notes call it out as a change in order to deal with "certain" daw that sends midi commands After the stop command.. The difference here is that a ASM support are responsive, and know this is non standard and have replied to concerns and will very likely make the setting optional. They have come back and have are having discussions about the issue.


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Re: MatrixBrute Trade in credit
« Reply #6 on: October 02, 2020, 02:44:34 am »
The Hydrasynth KB and DR units are amazing. I have them both.  Love its capabilities and soundscape flexibility, and its sound is impressive for a digital synth, especially the patches in RA pack.  The PB morphing between patches is an impressive feature but I would expect a heck of a lot more features at the price point it’s being sold for.


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Re: MatrixBrute Trade in credit
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2020, 03:41:49 pm »
Wouldn’t it be redeeming if Arturia were to offer a trade in credit? MatrixBrute for Polybrute? I mean they took a lot of the ideas this forum had provided for improvements to Mxb and instead put them into their new synth...and not to mention unfixed issues which seem to be on the shelf.. least they could offer is either a substantial discount to Mxb owners to purchase a Polybrute, or a trade-in program? Thoughts?

Despite all issues, i want to keep my MxB (love those analog FX), but your idea of a substantial discount for first owners i think would be great. It could be dependent on what you paid and if you got the case on top or not.

It might take a few months to years for Arturia to anwser on your idea though   ::)


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Re: MatrixBrute Trade in credit
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2020, 03:54:25 pm »
This thread is the most insane case of entitlement...

The claim that they took our ideas to run off and make the PolyBrute is simply not true.



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Re: MatrixBrute Trade in credit
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2020, 09:38:37 pm »
This thread is the most insane case of entitlement...

The claim that they took our ideas to run off and make the PolyBrute is simply not true.


The threadstarter did not say it this way. And to name the posts here "the most insane case of entitlement" is quite donaldish.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2020, 10:07:32 pm by VAU »


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Re: MatrixBrute Trade in credit
« Reply #10 on: November 02, 2020, 01:28:57 am »
They were harsh words. I apologize.

Oh, and if "donaldish" means what I think, it's the most offensive term possible ;)

The point stands though. As we know from the recent video about making the PolyBrute, the development was started over 3 years ago. It's a logical progression of the MatrixBrute, conceived and designed by the developers themselves. These people are full time synth designers and developers. They think about all sorts of possible developments all the time; they're way ahead of us for the most part. The proposition that they used us and our ideas to make the PolyBrute, and therefore we're owed, does not stand to reason.

« Last Edit: November 02, 2020, 02:43:49 am by DrJustice »


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Re: MatrixBrute Trade in credit
« Reply #11 on: November 02, 2020, 03:04:21 pm »
They were harsh words. I apologize.

Oh, and if "donaldish" means what I think, it's the most offensive term possible ;)

The point stands though. As we know from the recent video about making the PolyBrute, the development was started over 3 years ago. It's a logical progression of the MatrixBrute, conceived and designed by the developers themselves. These people are full time synth designers and developers. They think about all sorts of possible developments all the time; they're way ahead of us for the most part. The proposition that they used us and our ideas to make the PolyBrute, and therefore we're owed, does not stand to reason.

Then even worse, because if the designer team did NOT look at all the discussions around the MxB issues and did not incorporate at least SOME points it would've been totally silly. But i think, they had a good look at those discussions. And that way
i understood the thread starter.  So, it could be, you got her/him wrong quite a bid.Of course it had not been our discussions leading to the PxB. But they influenced the design, i'm sure. And regarding what the MxB users went through
(and that some paid 2k and some 1400 and got a case on top), asking for a discount seems absolutely legit to me.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2020, 03:08:24 pm by VAU »


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Re: MatrixBrute Trade in credit
« Reply #12 on: November 15, 2020, 05:27:41 am »
This thread is the most insane case of entitlement...
I agree with DrJustice.
All synthisers share some features  ...  , and they are still a different breed,
and Poly and Matrix is one of them, simple as that.


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Re: MatrixBrute Trade in credit
« Reply #13 on: November 16, 2020, 12:46:57 am »
which on the other side would mean, Arturia does not care for feature requests that are portable from one synth to another?

I doubt that ;)

ps I just saw, that the Polybrute allows not only a lot more patches (one thing i requests a LOT of times, but also 5 snapshots to each patch - something MOOG came up with with the ONE (ok, there the patches and snapshots are rather unlimited(!) ),and which was mentioned then by me and others in Arturia threads). 

« Last Edit: November 16, 2020, 03:18:24 pm by VAU »


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Re: MatrixBrute Trade in credit
« Reply #14 on: November 16, 2020, 03:55:17 am »
This sort of credit really only works in retail. And it’s mostly used when the manufacturer sells directly like Apple or car dealerships. They would need to inspect the item to ensure its condition but also be able to resell it like a car dealership. In any case you’ll get more for your used item by selling it.


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