That is so. But it would be nice to smoothly transform one sound into another. It is possible to do this with the faders and knobs.
But as i like to play minimal music with two hands. it would be nice to controle this with a pedal or to automate it with a timer or something.
I play everything live. Don't use DAW or sequencer.
You can also load two standalone versions, where you assign a knob to modulate volume in opposite directions. This require you add the modulations in the presets. And it also require you have a soundcard driver that can run multiple clients at the same time.
Keep in mind that what you wan't can only be done, if you can load 2 presets at the same time. So it will basicly require you will be able to layer sounds, like you can in Analog Lab and in other hosts. It's not just to add a MIX parameter.
I will see if it is possible to control the volume faders within analog lab with separate pedals.
As said, then analog Lab make some things possible.
what i really would like is transforming one preset into another. So one might change the sound from a key/string like to a more staccato/rithmic sound. Spreading this transformation over 1 or more minutes.
So you really don't wan't a MIX but a MORPF feature?
In that case, then you have the many morphing and modulation possibilities that allready excist in Pigments.
Many presets allready have different morphing like you can try out just by using the macros, wheels and pedals. That should give you an idea on how to achieve what you wan't, or in that direction at least.
I can see the possiblities in loading two different presets, and then morph between those. But then again, what about the modulations set in each preset? And what if the presets in example use different filters, wavetables and so on? It's not that simple to add if possible at all. And i would not hold my breath to get it, especially as a live feature.