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Author Topic: Slower divisions / half/whole/double-whole-note  (Read 2774 times)


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Slower divisions / half/whole/double-whole-note
« on: July 17, 2020, 05:01:41 am »
Folks - I'd love to get to set slower/longer note divisions in the sequencer (and presumably in the arpeggiator).

Being able to store a bunch of chords across e.g. all 16 steps and set play order to "random" lets me choose probability for these various chords (by distribution), but every quarter-note is too fast for this.

Possible UI options: 
  • hold note & turn main encoder (would ideally require changing behavior when releasing
  • Multiple taps
  • tap & hold


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Re: Slower divisions / half/whole/double-whole-note
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2020, 04:32:55 pm »
2nd this. Just punched in an arp for an ambient vibe, 30 bpm 1/4 note division is just too fast.


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Re: Slower divisions / half/whole/double-whole-note
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2020, 09:37:39 am »
Yayyyyy just raised the BPM issue over the last couple of days with Leo at Arturia ... I said that I wanted to be able to clock the KSP at BPM much lower than 30 for making ambient and atmospheric music... after all the KSP is sold as an interface between MIDI and modular ... Leo told me that he had never seen any requests for lower than 30BPM in his whole time and involvement with customer support at Arturia .. He seemed to think it weird that I would request something like that .. anyhow it would also be nice to see the gate lengths being properly adjustable for slow BPM as well .. anyhooo Leo did say he would toss the idea at the development team and see if they thought it was worth implementing .. I have discovered that you can in fact externally clock the KSP at rates as low as 5 BPM (1/4note) and in fact it will pass on the correct BPM via MIDI to my matrixbrute so obviously half of the work is done in terms of firmware development .. I would also like to see longer notes ..a bit like the Vector controller by five12 .. even up to 32W or something crazy like that .. would be awesome as it would mean you could actually do something that isn't doof doof or faster styles of music in the classic bleepy bloopy tradition of modular and drums .. hey i can use a ACD clock divider to reduce the closk rate for external modular gear but would rather use that as a separate item instead of making up for the fact that the KSP doesn't provide it in firmware .. I also would like to see the external clocking options provide 1 clock per whole note regardless of it being a quarter, eighth or half or sixteenth etc .. I dream about that but I am not sure that Arturia will make it happen .. maybe in 2 years after they get the firmware bugs half sorted like they did with the matrixbrute lol ???


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Re: Slower divisions / half/whole/double-whole-note
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2020, 01:18:42 pm »
Folks - I'd love to get to set slower/longer note divisions in the sequencer (and presumably in the arpeggiator).

Being able to store a bunch of chords across e.g. all 16 steps and set play order to "random" lets me choose probability for these various chords (by distribution), but every quarter-note is too fast for this.

Possible UI options: 
  • hold note & turn main encoder (would ideally require changing behavior when releasing
  • Multiple taps
  • tap & hold

Here is an example of driving the Keystep pro at 5 bpm using a 10 bpm clock input from pamela divided down to 2 beats per quarter and a 1/4 note length.. Just FYI


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Re: Slower divisions / half/whole/double-whole-note
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2020, 02:53:51 pm »
Folks - I'd love to get to set slower/longer note divisions in the sequencer (and presumably in the arpeggiator).

Being able to store a bunch of chords across e.g. all 16 steps and set play order to "random" lets me choose probability for these various chords (by distribution), but every quarter-note is too fast for this.

Possible UI options: 
  • hold note & turn main encoder (would ideally require changing behavior when releasing
  • Multiple taps
  • tap & hold

OK here we are at 1BPM !!!


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Re: Slower divisions / half/whole/double-whole-note
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2021, 12:04:53 pm »
Yes, this is just what I've been looking for. If there was an extra divider feature in the menu to go down 1/2, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 that would make it much more useful for slowly changing ambient styles.

The ARP in the Moog Matriarch can run very slowly and be clocked externally even slower and the Novation has a very slow option in the divider. I'm surprised the no one has raised this with Artuira before but then again its aimed a the techno/pop crowd even though it touted for the modular ppl where we can have BPM as slow as the clock dividers will allow.


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Re: Slower divisions / half/whole/double-whole-note
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2022, 08:43:05 am »


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