I'm a recent V Collection buyer - I got it while it was on half price for the coronavirus lockdown sale. As stated in the thread title, my DAW is Reason 11.
It all seemed to work perfectly fine while I was just playing around with it. All the plugins produced sound without glitches or latency problems as plugins, and MIDI playback in Reason also had no problems. But when I recently tried to export songs with V Collection plugins included as audio files, I discovered the Arturia instruments were always silent. Every other plugin I have shows up, VST or otherwise; when I play songs back in Reason itself, the V Collection sounds are present. But once I export it as audio, all Arturia sounds are completely gone.
I'm not sure what the problem here might be. I've fiddled with Reason 11's settings, I've changed around my sample rate and my audio settings and anything else I thought might be causing this problem, I've exported my tracks as every audio format available to me, and still nothing. What is going on here? (Just in case it's asked, my audio driver is Realtek ASIO)