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Author Topic: WAIT TO LOAD SCENE: With respect to which track?  (Read 1474 times)


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WAIT TO LOAD SCENE: With respect to which track?
« on: June 17, 2020, 03:29:18 am »
Hello all --

Sort of a technical question, but I'll do my best to ask in the simplest way possible.

With respect to loading the next scene: upon selecting the next scene, I understand in the "Launch Quantize" settings the WAIT TO LOAD can be set to 1 beat, 1 bar, 2 bars, or 4 bars (by the way, what are these units in terms of steps?). My question is, which track is this "change" with respect to? If there are four tracks operating independently, meaning they can all be running at 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, or 1/32 division, with any amount of steps specified, which track is the WAIT TO LOAD function waiting on for the change to the next scene to take place? The "active"/highlighted track that's illuminated?

Or is there some master cursor moving at a fixed rate/division that takes into account all of the tracks and determines where the "beats" and "bars" are with respect to the timing of scene changes?

Having some trouble getting my scene to change when I want it to, using different tracks at different speeds and whatnot. Perhaps I just need to be more calculated with how I build my patterns in the context of my scenes. Do they all need to be "aligned", i.e. on the same step/time division when the scene change occurs?

Sorry about all the questions. Just trying to make sense of it all! Thanks in advance.


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Re: WAIT TO LOAD SCENE: With respect to which track?
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2020, 09:56:26 pm »
This seems like it should be straight forward to test - create 4 tracks with different lengths and something obvious to mark the start and end of each one (low note + high note) and then try switching scenes when each track is selected.  Whatever note plays last is the track that the switch was tied to.

A little tedious but probably will work?


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