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Author Topic: VC preset browser improvement requests  (Read 1780 times)


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VC preset browser improvement requests
« on: June 03, 2020, 10:43:36 am »

I got a few requests  regarding missing features of the preset browser (which is already really good but could be even better....)
I have started lately to convert and import the presets I had with the old "non-resizable GUI" VST version - I got your VCollection updates every years since the version 2 ;o) -  to the new one and I encountered several "issues"but it is another story .
After importing all most of these presets to the new version VSTs I wanted to re-arrange them from the preset browser and I have then some improvement requests:

1) Could you please add the possibility to select all preset of a bank  using a keyboard shortcut (needed for exmapl if you want to rename a bnk or move soem presets to another bank)
e.g. a simple CTL+A to select ALL presets would be great since the mouse click + shift key inside the preset browser is sometime tricky.

2) a rather annoying feature: When moving several sected presets to a new bank (by renaming the current bank to the destination bank name) if a preset name already exists in the destination bank there is a popup error message saying that the WHOLE  move/rename action could not be done since  (at least) one preset was already present in the destination bank. 
I am ok with the error message but... could you please move all presets which were NOT present in the destination bank and kee the "doublons" in the source bank name? since then we have to check then one by one which preset(s) could prevent  this move/rename and it taks a huge time.
Even better: the existing preset could be moved anyway but with an "automatic" incremented number index suffix at the end,. This way potential duplicate presets names could be easy to found.
e.g. if the destination bank is already containing a preset named  "Lead1" the moved one could be called automatically "lead1_1" and "Lead1_2"etc   this would be an important time saver... at least to me who is rearanging often my presets.

3) My last request: could you please allow bulk-rename of preset please?
I have imported a lot of SYSEX patch and they were all named by default preset_1_1, preset_1_2, etc
I would like to select several presets in a bank and then prefix them (or replace the "preset" string ) by the String "BANK-A_" for example or any prefix string you can imagine. At the moment I have to browse all imported sysex presets and change their names one by one ant it is rather a crazy task...

Many thanks in advance for your help/understanding/requests implementations ;o)
(Sorry for my bad english...)
Cheers, eric

edit: another cool thing would be the possibility to drag and drop presets in the browser from the system file explorer instedd of using the "import" menu... when you have  a lot of presets to import one by it would be more "efficient" and easy. thanks
« Last Edit: June 04, 2020, 02:20:44 pm by encore1 »


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