The use would be to quickly get a overview of a patch (as if the knobs could be automatically set to the right value after a patch change)
I think the 2-hand operation of preset+turning knob far from optimal. A better solution would be to show the value when turning (as the display has no useful info anyway, just the patch number).
Anyway, the need to turn all knobs to see the patch is not very user friendly either.
I have just started on a program to visually show the complete patch, based on the excellent decoding work of Michael. Still very early version, all it can do now is open a .mbpz or a .mbprojz and list the patch names and indicate if a sequence exists for the patch (but I'm coding on it now!)
(It's in java, not c# so i must re-implement parts of Michaels code)
The plan is to make a electronic version of this one , where you can load a complete 256 patch file (or one single patch) and quickly select & show the patch you want. At the moment based on the exported file from MCC, but with some more work it
could be possible to also get the patch data from the sysex dump in the "midi debug" section of MCC (=quicker work flow) - I have not looked a lot at the sysex yet (just made a small "sysex diff" util just for this purpose), but after a quick look it seems like the sysex does not match the data in the exported files, so probably MCC decodes the sysex, and rearrange the data somehow before exporting to file (probably they must have some mechanism for handling changes in sysex / MCC patch data after new functionality is introduced f.ex should new patches have space for custom LFO's -but old not).
It should also be possible to easily make a "create patch sheets" button to generate sheets for all 256 patches (or a selection).
I have also started to decode sequences (far from finished, very strange layout there...some notes uses 5 values and some 4, with no clue of why!)
With some luck/work details of sequences can be visualized also.
If anyone has any good ideas for this program, please add a post here. If someone already started on decoding sequences, or have more information than given in this thread / Michaels code I would appreciate cooperation

When (and if...) I get something usable runningI will create a new post.