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Author Topic: Can you help me out with deciding a Keyboard?  (Read 2128 times)


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Can you help me out with deciding a Keyboard?
« on: May 10, 2020, 12:08:51 am »
The Arturia KeyLab Essential 61 has peaked my interest and I am considering purchasing it. I am wondering if you have a user's perspective, and insight into it. I like keyboard because it's not too different from a normal keyboard (like the ROLI Seaboard Block is) and is large like a normal piano so producing full range skyscraper chords will be easier. However, there's a few things I am unsure about:
Is it compatible with FL Studio (Comes with Ableton, is that all one can use?)
Is it very user friendly?
Is there too much going on (too many knobs and special effects) to where it's easy to get distracted from just producing melodies and the song in your head? I'd like a keyboard mostly for putting my ideas into life, however, for some purposes of synthesizing new sounds (This is more of a side purpose, I don't want the midi keyboard's ability to do this to take away from producing a classic song, like you would playing the piano, and bringing it to life on a DAW).

Anyway's that is all, thank you so much for taking the time to read this.

Stay safe!


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Re: Can you help me out with deciding a Keyboard?
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2020, 05:57:41 pm »
Since it's a MIDI controller, it works with a computer or it controls other synthesizers or devices.  I don't use the knobs myself (except the volume control) since the keyboard is used to compose music via a DAW like Ableton and yes, it works with any DAW that has MIDI codes for inputs.  I do use the pads for some drum beats as needed.  There are controls used to select presets and other selections.  Everything is controllable through the Midi Control Center software.  There are 6 user maps (you set the codes that are sent from the controls) and 2 maps which are predefined (#1 for Analog Lab and #2 for Ableton DAW) so yes, it is a useful keyboard.  The only thing it doesn't have is Aftertouch but it does have Velocity control (which you can set to several types like Linear or Exponential etc)
The keys don't have a piano feel, for that you would need the Keylab controller (non essential) for that.


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