Not sure you've been more vocal than me. Pretty sure I've used more cuss words.
I certainly haven't cursed/wouldn't do that.
Are you in good enough graces to be on the beta team?
No. I've already told them that I'm not working for them for free, but that opened up a large can of worms with those who have been doing so.
Ironically, I had a large list of bugs/fixes for the MB (I hacked the synth very early in owning it/made improvements to it. Hence I uploaded a video of a true ratchet. Which their engineers could have worked out, if they tried a little harder).
I've also contributed perhaps the most online content RE the Matrixbrute; I assumed Arturia would want to keep in good standing with those who promote their products.
I also assumed they'd have contacted me RE creating a patch library for them.
I'm convinced that the company just plain doesn't give a crap about our criticisms. They just bounce right off with no response.
Edouard seems OK. Problems like this generally come from the top and filter down.
Is there any software that can block me from visiting these forums?
Unsure what you're asking here.
Are you asking RE the security of this site or if Arturia could block you?
If Arturia could block you: yes, of course they could.
If the security of this site: like most forums, not as secure as would be imagined. Most users post under assumed anonymity, which is an assumption on their behalf/false confidence RE security protocols.
If what you are asking is whether your details could be accessed/changed, thus restricting your access: by some, yes.
Not that I/others would hack this site/any other site. That would be illegal.