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Author Topic: Send program changes to external synths.  (Read 10387 times)


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Re: Send program changes to external synths.
« Reply #15 on: March 02, 2021, 12:34:42 pm »
I too am really feeling the pain of this shortcoming.  I also have a handful of external synths and have them setup as external instruments in Cubase and through the inspector, I very quickly and easily browse and load presets through this manner, by program change messages.  I can set tracks to the preset of choice and it will automatically be sent to the synths, upon loading the project, meaning everything is setup and ready to go, once I hit play.  This works perfectly with my previous Novation controllers, as well as just about any other controller I've owned, over the years.  With the Keystep Pro however, the program change messages change the pattern number on the KSP itself and never make it past this point and onto the synths.  I have to screw around manually assigning the patches in my synths, which is not a very quick and fun thing to do.

While I really like the ability to be able to change the patterns of the KSP, we really need to be able to control our synths as well.  I have been in contact last week with support on this matter and they agreed it is a neglect from the controller itself and nothing to do with us, or our setups.  I am really begging for this to be implemented in a future  firmware update, but so far, nothing has been concrete.

What really gets me, is how it isn't just program change messages, that don't make it through.  Have you tried to send any modulation data through to your synths? They too aren't sent.  Pitchbend data, modulation wheel data, aftertouch and midi CC, are also not sent.  This controller basically nerfs controlling external synths and its absurd.

I've noticed this with CC data etc not being forwarded on


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Re: Send program changes to external synths.
« Reply #16 on: March 02, 2021, 12:37:55 pm »
I really would love more advanced control over what gets forwarded (midi thru style) and what doesn't

sometimes I don't want anything forwarded on
eg. using ableton, and wanting to light up the keys for a synth part... forwarded it on just creates a midi feedback loop,

It sends the notes back to the computer, it triggers the softsynth again, forwards the notes back to the keyboard to do the lights, back to the computer.

I either lose the ability for the keyboard to control the softsynth or I lose the ability to see the lights.
Or I go down a tangent of assigning different midi channels on the input and output........... which convolutes things with other parts of my setup.


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Re: Send program changes to external synths.
« Reply #17 on: March 02, 2021, 12:39:34 pm »
After some more tests:

Program Change sets the Patern on the specified MIDI channel from the track it uses.

Also saw that a Bank Change MSB loads the Project which is in the MSB+1

So I am a bit closer to my wish to make a simple microcontroller which can set up "Scenes" for me by loading a Project and setting patches for 4 Synths. Could be much more easy if I could it just attach at the MIDI In at the KSP but thats not possible (now?!) because it filters out mostly everything....

Oh... this is cool to know!


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Re: Send program changes to external synths.
« Reply #18 on: October 16, 2021, 12:07:34 pm »
Does anyone have a workaround for this?
I also want to change presets of external gear (e.g. Moog Minitaur) within my DAWless setup.
Is there a hardware device that can send program change messages and is cheaper and smaller than the BSP?


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Re: Send program changes to external synths.
« Reply #19 on: October 16, 2021, 10:16:39 pm »
I use and Electra One for that job (and some more)


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Re: Send program changes to external synths.
« Reply #20 on: October 05, 2022, 12:52:01 am »
Hi, I have built a VST2 plug-in as work-around for this issue. It converts the Arturia default CC MIDI commands of the Preset knob to MIDI program changes.
Check it out at https://github.com/hrgraf/pizmidi and let me know if it works for you!

Have you been able to compile this midi program change mapper VST on Linux by any chance?


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