I bought my Minilab mk2 midi before one week and I'm using Flstudio 20 as my DAW.
My problem is, that navigation knobs aren't working in DAW.
I can't map these knobs for their functions. I saw many videos for setting minilab mk2 up, but nobody got this problem.
When I open Analog lab 4, everything is working perfect. But when I open Fl Studio 20 and then open Analog lab plugin in it. Navigation knobs aren't working.
I've mapped all remainings knobs, but I don't know how to map these 2 for navigation. Next problem, which comes with it, is that my shift + navigation knob 1 (function fo volume of instrument) is
too woking only in Analog lab without Fl Studio 20.
I was searching long hours for solution, but i think this is my last try..

Please help.