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Author Topic: Analog Lab 4, cannot map Nanokontrol2  (Read 2123 times)


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Analog Lab 4, cannot map Nanokontrol2
« on: February 26, 2020, 03:29:07 pm »
Hi, I can map all my other instruments (including V Collection) in MainStage, but for some reason Analog Lab will not learn any parameters from Nanokontrol2.
I do have a custom patch set up so that the Nanokontrol shows visual feedback (buttons lit).

Why is Analog Lab not responding where all other VSTs do?


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Re: Analog Lab 4, cannot map Nanokontrol2
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2020, 07:08:29 pm »
Are you in Assign mode?
Please tell how you do step by step.


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Re: Analog Lab 4, cannot map Nanokontrol2
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2020, 09:32:29 pm »
Yes I was obviously in assign mode :)

I quit MainStage, re-copied factory setting to Nanoknontrol, then disconnected it and restarted Mainstage.
Now I can map the rotaries to Analog Lab, but not the faders. Very strange..


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Re: Analog Lab 4, cannot map Nanokontrol2
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2020, 02:37:28 am »
Ok so you think it's obvious, that you was in the MIDI Settings MIDI CC assign mode, and not in the Analog Lab internal assign mode.  :)
Why do you ask about anything, if you don't wanna tell precisely what yo have done and how?
Which MIDI CC numbers are you using?

What happens if you try to assign your nano control with AL4 in standalone mode?
Have you obviously also tried this in a simple troubleshooting, but not mentioned it?

Which plugin format do you use? VST2 or 3?

I can assign my controllers controls, unless the MIDI CCs is reserved in any of the applications or used for navigation.
The best MIDI CCs to use is the undefined.

BTW: I don't know anything about Mainstage and i'm on Windows. So if you are talking about a speciel Mainstage assign mode, then i can't test it. It can be a DAW related issue somehow.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2020, 03:18:52 am by LBH »


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Re: Analog Lab 4, cannot map Nanokontrol2
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2020, 12:47:10 am »
I may have made it sound like I know what I'm doing.
Nothing could be further from the truth :)

So, I tried opening standalone AL4 and the Nanokontrol2 is not mapping any parameters.
I clicked on the gearwheel icon in AL4 / Midi Controller > Enter Assign Mode. Using 'Generic Midi Controller' template, Midi Channel All.
According to Korg Kontrol Center rotaries are CC16-23 and sliders are CC64-71.

The first 4 of each row of rotaries are coloured red and show the matching CC number to show that they are assigned (correctly).
Something weird is going on with the Nanokontrol as sometimes it needs to be re-plugged (restarted) when switching DAWs.
In this case nothing I do seems to make it connect in standalone mode.

Just to confirm, I opened the Korg Nanokontrol2 default settings, wrote them to the device, then opened AL4 standalone.

I've got VTS2/3 and AU formats installed. How do I know which one is being used?
In MainStage it will only be AU format, that much is certain.

I've now tried the settings again in MainStage and found that something unintuitive was happening with already allocated mappings.
The controller was not overriding existing mappings and so I had to manually delete those to make them available.
They do now actually work, but to make matters more confusing, in MainStage copying a patch does not copy the midi assignments so they have to be manually mapped again.
Maybe there is a better way to do this or another option in MainStage I have not seen yet.

Goddammit midi controllers are not easy to set up.
In Bitwig, the native script works nicely between mix mode and device mode, but only for macro controls in device mode.
Native controls in device mode don't seem to work either, at least with the native script (which I think is the Driven by Moss one).

Sometimes I feel I am either too dyslexic to figure this arcane stuff out, or I should just go all hardware, or maybe the devices are really not designed in a way that works well with different setups... :p


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Re: Analog Lab 4, cannot map Nanokontrol2
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2020, 04:16:33 pm »

BTW: Which precise OS do you use?

According to the Nanocontroller manual https://i.korg.com/uploads/Support/nanoKONTROL2_PG_E1_634479709631760000.pdf then you can enable and disable each of the knobs and sliders. Are you aware of this? Be sure the knobs and sliders are enabled. Also be sure you set the controller in CC mode - and not in DAW mode.
If you have'nt read the manual, then i suggest you do.

Lets first take the standalone version, and try to get things working.
Have you selected your Nanocontroller as controller for Analog Lab in the applications Audio and MIDI settings? If you have'nt done this, then do it. It's done in the applications main menu. Please consult the manual section "2.2.2. MacOS Users: Audio and MIDI settings".

After that, then do like you describe:
I clicked on the gearwheel icon in AL4 / Midi Controller > Enter Assign Mode. Using 'Generic Midi Controller' template, Midi Channel All.
- and try to assign a knob using Midi CC#23 to a Analog Lab knob. Be sure to turn the knob untill you see it's assigned. Sometimes fully left and/ or right. Does it work?
Also try to assign a slider using Midi CC#69 to a Analog Lab slider. Slide it full range and be sure it's assigned. Does it work?

FYI: This is a link for a Midi Implementation Chart from Midi org: https://www.midi.org/forms/midi_chart-v2.pdf
Some of the Midi CCs you mention is actually reserved in in Arturias applications. That mean you can't assign them freely. In example midi CC#64 is used for Sustain pedal functions, in most applications you find out there.

And yes - it can be tricky to use midi CC, but also hardware in a DAW and/ or MIDI setup can be tricky to use.

If this work, then you can go on to Logic DAW, and after that to Mainstage, that i think mainly is meant to use for Live performances.
Just be sure Nanocontrol is set correct up in logic to use for CC controlling, and also correct to use for DAW controlling. It's not the same. And be sure to take the same things as above into account.
But let's take the standalone first, and then we see, if i can help more, as i as said is'nt a logic/ mainstage user.
I also don't have a Nanocontroller.

Regarding your question about how to see which plugin format you use, then i assume Logic have manager or something else, that can tell you about that.

« Last Edit: February 28, 2020, 04:22:41 pm by LBH »


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