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Author Topic: Am I Not Hitting Hard Enough Or Is The Pad Sensitivity Kinda Low?  (Read 4022 times)


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Hey yall!

I went and bought a Beatstep because I wanted a midi controler with knob/pot controls on it, and i figured, i like the keystep, and if i get the beatstep over a cheaper & more barebones pot controller i'll also have pads to work with (and another sequencing controller!), which seems like an advantage

Anyways, i tested the beaststep out, and i'm a little confused/dissapointed about the pads. i've never used a pad controller before but it feels like i have to hit them pretty hard in order to get them to meet the threshhold to trigger at all (this isn't a problem with velocity sensitivity, but rather with their ability to detect that they've been hit). if i hit them HARD i can get them to trigger pretty consistently, but lighter taps/touches seem to be pretty spotty, and only work sometimes

i'm wondering if this is an experience a lot of people have with the beatstep? do people find them difficult to trigger? is there a way to make the threshhold for triggering them lower?

or is this just because i'm a newbie to midi pads and need to build up skill with hitting them hard enough/consistently? how much of a hit does it "normally" take to trigger a midi controller pad? and how do i keep my fingers from hurting if i have to hit the pads hard? 😅

thanks so much for any info y'all can give!


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Re: Am I Not Hitting Hard Enough Or Is The Pad Sensitivity Kinda Low?
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2019, 12:54:14 pm »
I have one too just arrived and thought they were pretty stiff, my mpc pads and akai ones are a lot softer.


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Re: Am I Not Hitting Hard Enough Or Is The Pad Sensitivity Kinda Low?
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2022, 02:02:34 pm »
I have the same "problem".
I love the beatstep, I use it as sequencer and midi controller (turning a pot is more analog-ish than clicking with mouse).
But I need also a pad, and I'd like more sensitivity.
Is there a way to modify it? Or I have to send my fingers to the gym?


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