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Author Topic: Importing presets from Mini V from iMac via iTunes  (Read 3598 times)


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Importing presets from Mini V from iMac via iTunes
« on: March 10, 2019, 12:07:59 am »
I have downloaded and read the user manual for the app on my new iPad, however upon "add" in iTunes, once I have selected the presets and they show up in iTunes under iMini Documents, once I sync the device, the selected presets do not show up in my iPad.  The manual is rather vague at this point in the instructions as to how to ensure that the presets imported from my iMac appear in the iMini on the iPad.  Can anyone advise please?  Perhaps with screen shots?
Bite off more than you can chew, then start chewing. Apple iMac 27-inch 3.4GHz Quad-core i7 (Mid 2011) MC814LL/A RAM:20GB, Hard Drive:1.0TB HDD + 256GB SSD, Opt Drive:SuperDrive-DL,  Vid Card:AMD Radeon HD 6970M, Audio Interface: Avid Fast Track Duo, Midi I/O: Arturia, Analog Exp.The Lab 49, V-Col-5


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