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Author Topic: Randomness and Probability resets to zero after sequence ends(chained sequences)  (Read 605 times)


  • Apprentice
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  • Posts: 3
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Hi, I just got my BSP last week and love it but can't work this one out, need some help.

Right, so on each sequencer I have 2 x 4 bar (64 step) sequences chained together to make an 8 bar loop the problem I'm having is when I try to use Randomness and Probability it resets to zero at the end of each sequence, so the 1st sequence plays and I change the Randomness and Probability but when the 2nd sequence in the chain plays it resets the Randomness and Probability to 0 again.

I understand you can save the Randomness and Probability settings but would that not mean it would stay at the same level all the time and you couldn't change it on the fly, I'm assuming instead of resetting to 0 it would then reset itself to what ever the saved randomness and probability setting was?

It works fine on a single 1-4 bar sequence.
It only seems to do it when I use current track, when current track is off it will work as normal but over all sequences.

EDIT: I have now noticed the same behaviour when transposing the sequence, pressing Sequencer and then a note it transposes the sequence but as soon as it reaches the end of the 2 part chain and begins again the note reverts back to C, again this works fine with a single (unchained) sequence.

I have Scene mode enabled, if that makes a difference.

Any help appreciated, Thanks.

EDIT: Not sure how my email address became my username lol if a Mod/Admin sees this can you change it to deeboi70 please.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2020, 09:11:18 pm by deeboi70@gmail.com »


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