For the moment, you have two different ways to play your own samples in Pigments :
1) import samples/folders via the associated function. These are copied into "C:\Program Data\Arturia\Samples\Pigments\User\Classic Samples" without any warn message or something that indicates the process
2) drag and drop samples directly into sample engine's slots. Pigments save the location of the samples within the preset (it does not copy them to itw own location : C:\Program Data\Arturia\Samples\Pigments\User\Classic Samples)
But if you drag and drop folders, it adds them into "C:\ProgramData\Arturia\Samples\Pigments\User" (not "Classic Samples" by the way)
Another thing: what's the point of the "Imported" folder located into "User" folder since there already is an "Imported" folder located in "User\Classic Samples"?
Very strange, isn't it?
Broadly speaking, I think the way that personal content (samples/folders) is treated needs more consistency.
Suggestion 1: always copy folders/samples to the "User" location (and not "Classic samples", what means "classic" by the way?), be it by drag and drop or import function. That way, a message should say "Your files are now copied to the C:\...\User location, please not that Pigments browser only refreshes this User location"
Suggestion 2: allow user to define his/her own paths of samples via preferences. Pigments will show them into its browser and reproduce the tree structure. If we drag and drop samples directly into sample engines, a message should say "Do you want to add this path to Pigments?". If we say "yes", it adds the path, and if we say "no", it just adds the sample to the engine (as it currently is). And if we move the sample, Pigments should ask to locate the new path instead of copying the sample to the old path
Finally, we should have an option to save presets with or without samples, so that we could easily move our own samples or exchange presets without any trouble.
Personally, I find the product very impressive, powerful and ergonomic but it lacks a little consistency about samples management (idem for CMI, but it's another topic).
Thanks for reading,