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Author Topic: V Collection 7 with Gig Performer  (Read 1707 times)


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V Collection 7 with Gig Performer
« on: December 23, 2019, 02:52:27 pm »
Are there any V Collection 7 users that use Gig Performer as their host software? I am finding that V Collection instruments routinely "forget" the MIDI CC assignments I have saved in Gig Performer, for example mapping CC 11 to the volume control for Jup-8 V3. Also, setting the MIDI receive channel for Piano V2 doesn't seem to stick after I change it from All to say channel 1. After closing and re-opening Gig Performer, the V Collection instruments often revert to their factory default values. I don't have this problem with any other VSTi's (and I use MANY other plugins). I am running the latest version of V Collection.


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Re: V Collection 7 with Gig Performer
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2019, 11:15:02 pm »
Just some thougts.

Can this have to do with the MIDI Config maps? Do you use them?

Just in case. Midi CC settings will allways be the ones you have set last. So if you change them, then that might be the reason for the behavior you exsperience.

Unfortunately the Midi channel will change to All when a preset is changed. Perhaps that has something to do with your issue about that. But one should think it's kept in a project, if no preset has been changed.

Perhaps more details help, unless there actually is issues.

I don't use Gig Performer.


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