Hi and welcome to Arturia forums.
I don't have Reason. I'm on Windows 10.
In the patch display on the VST it used to say "Init Patch" even after selecting the instrument I'd like to use from the Analog Lab interface. But now it reads "ProgramChange1" of which there are many to choose from and seem to have their own instruments pre-assigned.
I think you mean in the VST wrapper and not Analog Lab VST it self. Please correct me if i'm wrong.
It look like the Concert lists preset is now in the DAW header. But unless you use ProgramChange or use the wrappers header to change presets, then it should not change anything. At initial load it should be the preset you had, when you saved the project, that is loaded.
Are you sending ProgramChange messages one way or another? Are you using Concerts so they are mixed up?
Can you be more specific in what you mean, and what you do?
Images can allways help to explain. So can you please post an image of the VST and the wrapper?
I have only made a small test yet. If this indeed is a technically issue, then i suggest you contact Arturia support.