I am also having trouble with this.
When using the sync output for DIN sync, I am running into an issue where stopping in my DAW pauses Keystep instead of stopping (as described above). Unfortunately, it seems like while paused, the “start/stop” DIN sync line remains high. The result is that my MC-202 will stop wherever it is, even if a note is left hanging, and when I hit play in my DAW again, it starts where it left off instead of restarting. The only workaround I’ve found is to hit stop on my DAW, and then also hit stop on my Keystep.
It would be nice to have the option to change this behavior, either by giving the option for a MIDI stop message to trigger a full stop on the Keystep instead of a pause, or giving the option to allow the “pause” state on the Keystep to bring the sync “start/stop” line low.
I realize this is not the default behavior for most MIDI devices, but the Keystep seems to be marketed primarily on its versatility. I think one or both of the above options would go a long way toward making the Keystep the best possible “brain” for mixed sync/CV/MIDI setups.